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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    Equipment Wanted WTB demijohns

    Ah thanks mate, probably not worth the drive unfortunately
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    Equipment Wanted WTB demijohns

    Looking for 5L to 25L glass demijohns if anyone is looking to sell Brisbane South Cheers
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    Equipment Wanted Brisbane - kegs

    Looking to buy kegs if anyone is selling
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Buy thread

    interested too
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    Moo Brew Dark Ale

    anyone have a recipe?
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    Can my bitter batch be saved?

    I would leave it Bitterness always subsides so worst case you just need to wait an extra month to enjoy it. nothing worse than watered down beer
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    Stopping yeast post ferment

    Trying to help one particular mate who enjoys drinking my beers however farts up a storm for the next week afterwards. My thought is it is the leftover yeast in the beer then fermenting in his gut on other sugars in his diet - if I can reduce or remove the yeast maybe it will prevent it? I did...
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    Stopping yeast post ferment

    I want to stop yeast activity after fermentation is finished, I was just wondering what is the best way to inhibit the yeast without needing to undergo heavy filtration? Thanks
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    FS 3v brewery setup

    Would you split the mill? Where is pickup
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    Lhbs what grinds your gears?

    I think try to keep your range relatively small and make sure your stock is fresh. ***** me when yeast and hops aren't kept cold and vacuum sealed. ***** me when I can't buy any grain at all. Mostly ***** me when the home brew shop owner is too rude to customers. Give as much free advice as...
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    Stockade Brewing xpa splicer clone

    First choice Dan Murphys Beer cartel It's just a very simple beer & very easy to drink I've got enough heavy beers, need some session ales for xmas
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    Stockade Brewing xpa splicer clone

    Has anyone attempted a clone? 4.4% I'm thinking all barley malt, very little bittering, whirlpool and dry hop with small amounts of Citra Then late addition of grapefruit zest and juice It is a very subtle flavour and it is an amazingly easy to drink beer for summer - tried two today and keen...
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    She's a little too carbonated...

    It depends on the temperature you are fermenting at and the style of beer that you are making to how much CO2 you want in liquid There's calculators to help online
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    She's a little too carbonated...

    Also Pressure fermenting is another option so the beer is carbonated by the time you are finished in the fermentation vessle
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    She's a little too carbonated...

    I would make sure your dip tube O rings aren't over compressed and causing the gas to fall out of solution, that has done this to me in the past
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    She's a little too carbonated...

    So what works for me is 10psi for a week If I'm impatient I will force carb a Cooper's pet bottle but usually find force carbed to be not the best example of the beer - best to wait until it is prime drinking age. To fix the keg, disconnect the gas, burp and shake the gas out until it is back...