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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Speciality Grains Selection

    Question aside, but still to do with grains...would weyermanns caraamber be a biscuit malt?, and would this be any good for an IPA? Cheers Sieg
  2. S

    Anyone Know Any Good Beer Destinations In Launceston?

    "The cock and bull usually has Two metre tall beers and some on the hand pump too." ...beat me to it
  3. S

    Anyone Know Any Good Beer Destinations In Launceston?

    +1 for the star bar and the cock & bull. The cock has hand pulled Two Meter Tall ales also, worth a look. Most of the other micros like Ironhouse are bit out of the way
  4. S

    One Way To Stock Up On Xmas Booze...

    classic... Not that I would go out of my way to get some 'cut-price' lager, I wonder if I could do the same if I rocked up to the Malt Shovel with a panel van?.. "This is not the delivery docket you are looking for.." al a Obi Won...
  5. S

    The Airlock Strikes..

    Ha ha! Duly noted ;) , will invest in some fence posts and chicken wire - never thought that this would feature as part of my homebrew set up, but if needs must!
  6. S

    The Airlock Strikes..

    I do recall seeing one of these puppies at the York Town Brewery (I may stand corrected). Since I'm early on in my crusade for great beer, I havent figured out the science behind open fermentation, although I can confirm with my taste buds that it is bloody good! I believe they're bringing out...
  7. S

    The Airlock Strikes..

    Much obliged for the swift reply chaps! The airlock had boiled water in, I presumed it should be OK, but I didnt want to loose anymore sleep over it! I will contemplate using some cheap spirit in my next batch, never thought of that before! All part an parcel of my brewing traineeship I...
  8. S

    The Airlock Strikes..

    ..we've never seen eye to eye, either she gurgles away like a beauty or keeps mum, however i digress.. in my haste in taking a hydro reading yeasterday (SWMBO was in gassing to me about something ;) ) and upon taking a sample, didnt keep my on the airlock. Due to the magic of suction some of...