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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. TheYank

    To Boil, Or Not To Boil?

    You should check this show out: I believe that the most important thing to concentrate on is proper fermentation. Buy a temperture controller and get a 2nd hand fridge or chest freezer. I'd also work on making a good yeast starter and make sure your...
  2. TheYank

    Fix For Crown Urn Boiling Issues

    How many people are still using a modified Crown urn to boil wort? Going back through this thread I can see three people have burned out there wires / element after the mod. I'm trying to gage how much of a risk there is of this happening. If there are 100 people out there who use a modified...
  3. TheYank

    Now This Is Well Stored Yeast.

    I think that this is what they are saying makes this yeast different: "It ferments violently at the start," Hackett says, "then it falls out of suspension and the beer becomes almost clear." From a brewer's perspective, its behavior was schizophrenic: It began like a yeast used in ales, floating...