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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Melver

    A stout - afraid to bottle it - HELP

    @captain crumpet 1.030 few hours ago @mongey Pre-boil Gravity was 1.048 at 63C/145.4F OG at 25C/77F was 1.034 -not a typo @keine_ahnung (I like the nickname) I know all I did wrong. Well, I found out after. :D Choosing Dark Munich which has very low diastatic power was just one of my first...
  2. Melver

    A stout - afraid to bottle it - HELP

    So..brewed my first ever recipe...most of the rules ignored... Wanna bottle now but I am afraid to do it and here is why: What I used and how: My pot fits 20 L easily - dark munich malt 3.487 kg (22ebc) - black malt 0.225 kg (1500ebc) - roasted barley 0.675 kg (1450ebc) - chocolate...