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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Food Gardening

    Isn’t that area infected with PFAS/forever chemicals?
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    STC 200

    Aahhh I getcha. An on/off thermostat isn’t the best product for mashing as it will always under/overshoot. Try looking for a small PID.
  3. B

    STC 200

    It looks like it can’t be raised without hacking the firmware. What are you trying to achieve? Can you sub out the STC200 for an STC1000?
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    Sold Splitting beer gear

    I’ll grab the kegerator too 👍
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    Low OG help.

    Agreed. OP: You might not even be doing anything wrong apart from having the incorrect mash efficiency. Are you using brewing software or this a recipe that you found? The recipe might assume 75% mash efficiency where as you can only achieve 65% on your system for example.
  6. B

    Sold Splitting beer gear

    I’ll grab 3 x small kegs for $100 too thanks. Don’t have any more info on the kegerator eg what model, how old?
  7. B

    Brewery control options

    Where are you located mate? I may be able to help you out…licensed sparky who built control panels for over a decade here. Dj lethal is right, chances are it’s only 1 or 2 components that would have failed and will be cheap and easy to replace. I googled auber brew boss and couldn’t find...
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    Light beer🤬

    I agree with the others…with kit and kilo beers it’s almost impossible to end up a weak beer unless there’s some underperforming yeast. Was was your OG and FG readings? Chances are everything wasn’t mixed well when you put it all in the fermenter and your OG read lower than it actually was.
  9. B

    Refractometer - wrong type

    Refractometers measure gravity, not alcohol. And from what I remember, once alcohol is present, they don’t read accurately. So basically a refractometer is good for brew day, but once fermentation has started, a hydrometer is the tool to use to measure gravity from then on.
  10. B

    I have acquired a keg and want to safely depressurise it.

    It’s actually highly likely to still be pressurised. This keg has most likely had beer in it, 99% empty with a bit of dregs floating around and full of CO2. Dangerous to open without being very cautious eg using a coupler to depressurise and the correct tool to open it up.
  11. B

    Kits , adding LDME instead of Dextrose, need help adding hops

    Can you post a photo or a link up of the product you’re using…I’m struggling to follow what you’re actually doing.
  12. B

    Grain and Grape Closing Down

    Who said anything about re-opening? I don’t think they’re re-opening mate. Maybe you could chase them up for a refund or you could order whatever grain you need more before it’s too late.
  13. B

    Grain and Grape Closing Down

    Yeah 100%. They were frequent winners of home brew store of the year. Surely there’s a valuable business there.
  14. B

    Beer excise tax killing off Aussie craft breweries

    I definitely think it’s organised. Surely scrapping stainless steel isn’t that valuable?
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    Sold PID Electric Brewing Element Control Box & Pump [MELB]

    Wowzers $390 for the PID?!? Has it got some special features that other PIDs don’t have?
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    Beer excise tax killing off Aussie craft breweries

    This is ridiculous. I’m an electrician but far from an energy worker (and not unionised either). The issue here is state governments have privatised the power network. Shock horror!! How dare a company try to make money!! If power was free I’d say there would still be breweries going into...
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  18. B

    Cheeky Peak BrewFerm

    Agreed, it’s not cheap, Depending on your requirements you’d probably grab the pressure lid and the PID controller for peace of mind repeatable brewing? It comes with a pump already… With those 2 options you’re up around $1850. 10% for Black Friday and you’re at $1670.