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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. XXXX Brewer

    Converting A Keg To A Kettle

    Depending on what type of keg it is and whether it's empty or not. If it's a CUB keg push the stainless steel ball valve down with a screwdriver to release any pressure inside the keg. Then it's a simple mater of getting a good cutting blade and a steady hand and start grinding. If your using...
  2. XXXX Brewer

    How Do You If You Wort Has Gone Off?

    Yeah I kind of stuffed the yeast...I tried re-hydrating it but I didn't let it cool down enough. It was around 55-57dc whenI put the yeast in the water to make a slurry...Iknow, I know , blood idiot....but hey it's my first time. As soon as I realised my mistake (5mins later) I dumped the...
  3. XXXX Brewer

    How Do You If You Wort Has Gone Off?

    Used english Ale yeast (from craftebrewer). Ingredients Pale Malt, Medium Crystal and Roasted Barley. Definately not a sulphur smell more like a sour cream smell without the cream.....I can't really explain except to say it's sour. Pitched yeast on Sunday has had about a 48hr lag time. Wort...
  4. XXXX Brewer

    How Do You If You Wort Has Gone Off?

    I'm getting a bit of a sour smell from my wort as it's fermenting. Is this normal or is it going off? If so can I save it? Cheers
  5. XXXX Brewer

    Have I Killed My Yeast?

    Hi all, Just spent all of yesterday making my very first AG brew (listed my expirence below). I have just pitched my yeast but tried to re-hydrate using water that had only cooled down to 60dC. I realised what I had done about 5min later and decided to pitch it straight away in the hope that...
  6. XXXX Brewer


    Hi all, This is my first post. I've spoken to a few of you guys over the phone, hi Ross. Anyway what I want to know is when is it best to areate the wort. Before pitching the yeast or after....and for how long? And one more thing a little off topic (I'll know I'll open a can of worms) which...