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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. C

    About To Start Ag

    thanks guys for that I will give it a go and order some grain. Yes the recipes are Yankie, got them from monkeybrewer I think
  2. C

    About To Start Ag

    yes I have tried them from what I can see they don't sell the specific named grains. I have purchased items from the sponsors previously.
  3. C

    About To Start Ag

    Hi I am in Canberra but I am willing to buy from anywhere in Australia. I don't want the hassle of dealing with customs when buying grain from OS Attached are the two recipes I am interested in
  4. C

    About To Start Ag

    Hi guys, I have been lurking for a while. Finally I have collected enough gear to start my first AG. I have found a couple of recipes that I might like. I have tried a number of Aussie sites hopping one of our locals could supply the grains. If the grains are not available here can I substitute...
  5. C

    My New Bar On Wheels For The Deck

    That looks fantastic, what temp do you run your freezer at? lol or what temp is good for beer before it turns to slushies?