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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. C

    Stuck Celli Taps

    I've got 2 Celli's the first is the gold with black outlet which has the auto closing spring and the second stainless without the spring. I find the outdoor verandah location they tend to stick after about 1 week, though a quick pull down and soak does them a treat. Have been using lube on the...
  2. C

    Party Kegs

    By a Soda Stream that's draggin around whole machine i guess, the other alternatives i've noticed are a regulator with adapter to a soda stream CO2 bottle. Your right $2 is not excessive but the size also becomes an inconvenience at times.
  3. C

    Party Kegs

    I've put together a similar setup using the 5ltr, with a car valve to pump in gas. What are you all using to get in CO2 via the car valve, other than sodastream, which seems a it excessive for me. I tried a CO2 gizmo from a bike shop which had a shutoff valve included but once the cylinder was...
  4. C

    Wheat Beer Flop, To Be Dry Hopped

    One plug (Tatts) gone in and all gassed up. Now to wait, at least a bit. Cheers
  5. C

    Wheat Beer Flop, To Be Dry Hopped

    Started out 1043 and finished 1012
  6. C

    Wheat Beer Flop, To Be Dry Hopped

    Help please I've recently put together an attempted Wheat Beer from extract as follows one extract can of Bavarian Wheat (Brewcraft) 1.5 kg Light malt extract 1.5 kg (this is what buggered me up) Tettnanger Hops, 1 plug boiled for 5 mins SafBrew WB-06 All fermented fine, in cube for 2 weeks...
  7. C

    Wtb Chest Freezer For 4 Kegs

    Hi i picked up a second hand 210 ltr freezer for $120 on ebay its 5 year old. I didn't bother with collar as the space to side without motor provides space for 3 kegs and i use the other space for extras, bottles, yeast storage etc. With the Fridgemate hooked up and set to 4 degrees the freezer...
  8. C

    Kegging Setups

    Here's a couple of pics following the near completion of my chest freezer. Hole is in place for a second tap, saving for another Celli. After much reading on various threads and wiki's it all fell together without drama at all.
  9. C

    Using Bottle Yeast

    Hi all i've just been reading the wiki on using Coopers bottle yeast, sounds like a very simple way to access what should be a decent ale yeast. Coopers is an obvious candidate for continuing the yeast, with plenty of yeast cells in every bottle. I was contemplating the same procedure but with...
  10. C

    John Guest Fittings

    Too bloody easy ta
  11. C

    John Guest Fittings

    Hi all just a simple question about John Guest fittings I've recently set up a keg in and old fridge (on loan) and have just picked up a chest freezer to convert. Now i may want to reconfigure the lines and fittings to suit the freezer layout. Is it possible to remove hose from fitting or are...
  12. C

    Cheap Freezer From Aldi

    I'm in the process of hunting down a freezer to set up. Ross recently set me up with a Celli tap (1 only, 2 kegs, etc) I'm looking about ebay at chest freezers, nothing too big, but keeping options open to holding 3 or 4 kegs. I intend to pick up another tap and temp contol from Ross after i get...