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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Fixing a Potentially Stuck Ginger Beer

    If there is one thing you need with brewing it’s patience. Unless you have a massive temp drop that your yeast is no longer in its happy place, just leave it 2 weeks if in the right temp range. I’ve never had the need for yeast nutrient as 95 per cent of my brews will bubble in the first 20...
  2. M

    Retired this week

    Sounds like you’ve got great times ahead and congratulations on retirement. Bread is great fun especially on the cold winter days, but if it’s your thing, try Saurkraut. The red cabbage is our family favourite especially in a homemade bun and homemade European sausage with a great beer. Cheers
  3. M

    Temperature and Time Chart For Roasting Grain

    This is close to what I'm after and have found a few, but I'm really l need a chart that defines heat and time for the malted grains finishing up as pilsener, Munich, pale ale etc so I can replicate most recipies.
  4. M

    Temperature and Time Chart For Roasting Grain

    Live on the central coast, but my farm is near Dubbo. Not sure if it's the same guy, but there was a barley farmer on foxtel show "River cottage Australia". He explained how to malt the barley and make beer. He sells his beer on tap at the local pub and all profits from the beer are donated...
  5. M

    Temperature and Time Chart For Roasting Grain

    Stupid question! Doesn't the barley have to be malted to make make beer out of it? And what is patent black?
  6. M

    Temperature and Time Chart For Roasting Grain

    Couldn't agree more. The best thing I ever did was make the move from "kits and bits" to All Grain brewing. Huge jump up in the quality of the beer. and AG is really not that difficult, just need the time.
  7. M

    Temperature and Time Chart For Roasting Grain

    It's not the money factor. Making better beer than you can buy, and saving money is simply a win win situation in my books. I would think most brewers get a great kick out of making a great end product and making my own malts is just taking things to the next level. If I succeed, growing my...
  8. M

    Temperature and Time Chart For Roasting Grain

    I've seen a few guys do this and the results look pretty good. I'm gonna give it a go. looks easy enough.
  9. M

    Temperature and Time Chart For Roasting Grain

    Don't quote me on the numbers, but from what I've come across, Graded barley for malting will malt at about 95% and feedgrade barley will malt at a rate of around 70%. Saw it on youtube today, but not sure how reliable these numbers are.
  10. M

    Temperature and Time Chart For Roasting Grain

    Hi Spog. The amount a farmer is paid for barley destined for malting and horse feed barley is hugely different. A barley farmer aims to grow barley for malting and brewing,but in a bad season with wrong conditions, the barley is down graded and is used for animal feed. Graded barley for malting...
  11. M

    Temperature and Time Chart For Roasting Grain

    You sure know alot about barley. Very technical stuff FVI the barley is destined for malting. My mate simply poured a bag for me out of his 30 tonne silo.He harvests around 200 tonne per year.
  12. M

    Temperature and Time Chart For Roasting Grain

    Yes, you simply malt the raw barley and roast it, unless it is a specialty grain like crystal malt. This is put in hot water then dried
  13. M

    Temperature and Time Chart For Roasting Grain

    Thanks for your reply Mark This looks way more technical than I anticipated. I have looked into it and so far I'm pretty sure i have the right temperature and time to make a pale malt. Months back, i did come across this chart on the net. It gave the roasting details for the many of the most...
  14. M

    Temperature and Time Chart For Roasting Grain

    Hi guys My generous farming neighbour has given me a 20 kilo bag of top quality 2 row barley. It's not horse feed. He sells this stuff to the guys who make Peroni. There are plenty of youtube vids to demonstrate how to malt this. So I'm ok for this. I'm struggling to find a temperature and time...