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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Nazareh

    Infection Photo Thread

    Hi guys, im not sure if its all right. One picture is few days after I pitched the yeast and other is from today, 12days after. im not sure about the smell, since is my second batch only. But I would say a bit "sour" !!? I used Chinnok and Cascade, almost one ounce each and SAFALE-US05 yeast.
  2. Nazareh

    Little Creatures Pale Ale

    Hi guys, coincidentally it happens to be my second brew as well and I also intend to do a LCPA. However, I was thinking about to use unhopped LME instead. Intended recipe for 19L as follows: 1.7 Amber LME (black rock) 1.7 light LME (black rock) 15g Chinnok @60min 15g Cascade @30min 15g Cascade...
  3. Nazareh

    Reasons for Beer too bitter (some, not all)?

    Guys, I found out what the problem was. I wasnt pouring it properly and the bitterness was because of the yeast. I started to leave more amount of beer in the bottle and it tasted good, and when I tasted the left overs in the bottle was very bitter, the same kind of bitterness I was tasting...
  4. Nazareh

    Reasons for Beer too bitter (some, not all)?

    Thanks Droopy beeer, it actually makes sense. I'll do the test in the next few days. Probably just pour some beer into the hydrometer and wait until it goes flat and warm. And obviously, drink the rest. =)
  5. Nazareh

    Reasons for Beer too bitter (some, not all)?

    OK,this one had the rust but is not bad, a bit of bitternes but nothing major
  6. Nazareh

    Reasons for Beer too bitter (some, not all)?

    yeah but the problem is that only some of them are too bitter, the rest is fine. That is what I am actually trying to figure out, so then next time I wont repeat the same mistake. I might take some to the brew shop and ask someone to taste it. Hard part will be to know which bottles to take. I...
  7. Nazareh

    Reasons for Beer too bitter (some, not all)?

    Hi guys, Answering to McKenry, first, thank's you for the time you took to reply, I actually should have given more details about my brew. In any case I believe I took most of, if not all, precautions to not make the common mistakes for a newbie. This recipe was suggested by the brew shop as...
  8. Nazareh

    Reasons for Beer too bitter (some, not all)?

    Hey folks, I just started brewing and my first batch was a pale ale, and in fact, it turned out much better than I though it would be, being it my first. However,although some of them are really good and go down very smoothly, others are very bitter. Especially the aftertaste. It's not...