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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. drunken_snail

    Saison season is here. What's your best recipe?

    I've brewed about 6 different versions of saisons over 12 saison brews. My favorite very easy recipe is a DME one. Called Old Salty Extract OG: 1.048 FG: 1.002 ABV: 6.1% 20 litres 1kg DME @ 60mins 1kg DME @ 15mins 750g Dextrose @ 15 mins Rock Salt 17g @ 15 mins 35g Centennial Hops @ 40...
  2. drunken_snail

    biere de garde- farmhouse ales book

    Hi i have made a few saisons over the last two years and now it is time to try something different. I have read The farmhouse ales book by Phil Marowski. I enjoyed this book alot. And in this book there is a commercial recipe of a biere de garde where they boil extract for an extended period...
  3. drunken_snail

    Style Of The Week 11/10/06 - Saison

    hi i have brewed 6 saisons so far, ranging in strength from 5.5 to 8.6% just wondering if anyone has tried higher or lower than this range. I know this is the approximate style range for this beer. But i was discussing with a mate how good the danstar belle saison yeast was we came to wondering...
  4. drunken_snail

    Award winner can't smell or taste

    Thanks, hopefully with the amount of extra advertising this year maybe they will do this comp again next year and hopefully for a few mores years. I also other breweries can this opportunity to more people. And go on the ride of getting their beer brewed. I told the winner of last years comp...
  5. drunken_snail

    Award winner can't smell or taste

    Here is the winning recipe. Yeast : Belle Saison dry Yeast Hops: Hallertau 4.8% 70g 60 min and 30g 0 min. Adj: Sugar 1 KG 15 min Extract: DME 2kg 60 min + Wheat DME 1kg 15 min Grain: None all extract. Carbonation: 3CO2 OG 1.068 to FG 1.004 Fermentation temp/time start 22C Ramp by 2C for 8...
  6. drunken_snail

    Drinking my first saison...

    The yeast is the hero here, i use the danstar belle saison yeast it has been great. The belle saison yeast is a great convertor of sugar and will go nice and dry. The 3 saisons i have made have been well recieved. Yeast : Belle Saison dry Yeast Hops: Hallertau 4.8% 70g 60 min and 30g 0 min...
  7. drunken_snail

    liquid beer enhancer

    give it ago spork,
  8. drunken_snail

    liquid beer enhancer

    now who here has been at a sporting event drinking down the bland boring beers they serve. a friend told me that somewhere in america you could get a small single use container(maybe like the soy sauce fish containers from sushi places. at lease thats how i picture it). that contain a...