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  1. DeGarre

    Baja Mango Chilli Sauce

    I would ferment this.
  2. DeGarre

    You know you are hooked when...

    When you start thinking there aren't enough STC-1000 wiring discussions on the homebrewing forums.
  3. DeGarre

    You know you are hooked when...

    When you buy all the parts from eBay for a stir plate DIY project...although you only use dry yeast which you dry-pitch.
  4. DeGarre

    Mangrove Jack's Burton Union M79

    No probs seamad, I treat all my dry yeasts the same, British Ale from Mangrove was a treat, used it a few times, this Burton bugger I am not so lucky with, this particular brew I dry-pitched 2 packets. I need a no-nonsense sturdy dry yeast that is care-free, and Burton Bugger is the first one...
  5. DeGarre

    Sauerkraut Mk1

    My fermented carrots are ready and so good, I'll keep the sauerkraut out of the fridge for a further week or so. Every day I eat fermented stuff, drink some beer or drink the brine I am regular as a bloody clockwork, my bowels move at 7am, no exception. Too bad I usually wake up at 8am.
  6. DeGarre

    Mangrove Jack's Burton Union M79

    Thats me done with Burton Union yeast, never again. Used it 2 times, on both occasions problems. Re-pitched after 17 days with Nottingham to move this below 1.039 (started at 1.094).
  7. DeGarre

    Mangrove Jack's Burton Union M79

    Dry-pitched 2 packets 7 days ago into 1094°, quick to start, krausen has made a big mess, hasn't moved much in 2 days, is now at 1048°, 6% abv, 50% attenuation. Doesn't look good although the plan was to keep it in the FV for at least 3 weeks. Airlock still has some activity. I want to avoid...
  8. DeGarre

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    I bought a bottle of extra garlic flying goose brand as a control sauce, already my still fermenting garlic one has a very similar flavour. Will let the wife do the blind test. Tabasco is also fermented but why pay many euros per one small bottle when I can do a similar hot sauce myself... At...
  9. DeGarre

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    Besides timing issues ie need of a speedy end product, why would someone make hot sauce and not ferment the chilis? Even beer when fermented is better than wort... I am just get slightly philosophical as I watch the tiny bubbles in my two sriracha to be bowls...every morning a good smell and...
  10. DeGarre

    Mangrove Jack Craft Series Yeasts

    Lag times? What lag times? After 3.5 hours airlock is making noises already. 2x Burton Union M79 to 1094°.
  11. DeGarre

    Sauerkraut Mk1

    The big jar is almost empty, time to make a new batch. Today made also fermented carrots, 2% salt brine, one bay leaf, one garlic, half an onion. Yesterday started to ferment chili hot sauce (sriracha), nicked from this Good fun this fermenting malarkey.
  12. DeGarre

    Mangrove Jack's Burton Union M79

    Finally the brewing of barley wine becomes closer - already started to crush 10.2kg of grain, going double-mash with my 20L BM and aim for 10% abv. A big beer indeed. I have got 2x Burton Union yeast and am going to rehydrate for a change. The plan is not to use sugar, just aim for 1.100+ OG...
  13. DeGarre

    Tweaking saison colour

    I sometimes get orange beer when I have 15-17 EBC and use crystal to get there. See here it going more to coppery, at around 20 ebc:
  14. DeGarre

    Kohatu Brew

    I got woody oak and redcurrants from Kohatu, very nice.
  15. DeGarre

    Mangrove Jack's Burton Union M79

    I have one packet left so at some stage when the fermenting temps have cooled down a bit I'll give it another try - with an English barley wine.
  16. DeGarre

    Mangrove Jack's Burton Union M79

    This beer needs to be chilled for a long time in order not to gush. Very Duvel-like dry Belgian characteristics but without the spiciness. If I was drinking this blindfolded I would say it was a Duvel-clone or something similar to the style. Very nice but not what I was expecting from this yeast.
  17. DeGarre


    This is called "meetwursti" in Finland, usually contains a little bit of horse meat.
  18. DeGarre

    Bread Porn

    OK, benders, let's take this thread back to the topic... Today's no-knead ciabatta.
  19. DeGarre


    No, the idea is pour in sweet wort into the beer to produce carbonation as the yeast in the beer gets a dose of fresh sugar.
  20. DeGarre

    Naming your home brewery

    No, it invaded my property. According to the tracks, came from the neighbour's oat field (they prefer oats over barley due to lack of those spiky things), had a drink from my pond, probably had a redcurrant and gooseberry snack on the way, but luckily did not leave a huge **** behind of oats and...