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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Fermentation Temps For Wheat Beer..

    Hi Everyone, Just put away a Brewcraft hoegarden clone and was wondering what is the best temp to ferment at? Yeast used was Safale WB-06 Cheers Marca
  2. M

    Fermentation Stalled?

    Hi Guys, Made a batch of a brewcraft JS Amber ale on the 15th and after 9 days has still got a think layer of Krausen on the top. Could this fermentation have stalled? Or is it ready to bottle? SG has been steady over the last 3 days! Love to hear your thoughts! Marca
  3. M


    uhhh cool.. thanks for that marca
  4. M


    So if i wasnt to use any grain and just DME i could still boil for around 15 to 20 mins, add some hops for flavour/aroma and then at flame out add the pre bittered kit? cheers
  5. M


    Thanks. Ok so i dont need to boil for 1 hr? Or is that only if you were adding bittering hops? Marca
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    Hi ALL, Im new to brewing and have only brewed with the kits so far but am looking to add a couple more ingredients like a little bit of grains and/or some hops. Had a look through the recipes on AHB but a lot of them dont give a detailed method. Was wondering if anyone out there has had some...
  7. M

    Very Little Gasiness...what Have I Done Wrong?

    Hi Pist.. A new brewer here to. I had the same problem but some of them had carbonated very well and the other ones were still soft to touch. I left them another couple of weeks and all of them had carbonated fully. The trick is to not be impatient.. i know its hard when its your first brew (...
  8. M

    Sugars In Beers

    Thanks guys.. I just bottled coopers unreal ale. But instead of using brew enhancer 2 i used 1kg of dextrose and 500 grams light dry malt. I tasted one tonight, not much carbonation but I can tell its going to be good. A little bit thin atm which im guessing is because if the dextrose but...
  9. M

    Sugars In Beers

    Hi all, Just wondering whats the go with sugars.. I am a new brewer and want to know if its ok to brew with more than 1kg of sugars. (dextrose, brew enhancers, light dry malt etc) Lets say i make a brew with 1kg of dextrose and 500grams of light dry malt i know this would probably increase...
  10. M

    No Carbonation In Some Bottles...

    Hi guys thanks for the speedy replies.. I used carbonation drops. Will probably just leave it for another couple of weeks and see how we go. Cheers
  11. M

    No Carbonation In Some Bottles...

    Hi all, I recently just made my first batch out of the coopers DIY kit. It has been about 2 weeks since i bottled it and some of the bottles have come out more carbonated than others. These ones taste ok but the less carbonated bottles have an off taste to them. I have heard that there needs to...