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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. craigsale

    Esb Nut Brown Still Going After 18 Days

    But if the airlock is still bubbling isn't the wort still fermenting sugars.
  2. craigsale

    Free Shipping On Coopers Products

    I orderd on the 3rd day of the big event and arrived within week. 3 boxes of supplies
  3. craigsale

    Esb Nut Brown Still Going After 18 Days

    Its one of those 3kg kits. You don't need to add anything else. Just water. I brewed a lot of beer , extracts and kits and never had one take this long. It is the first time I used Safale04 though. If the FG is steady over 2 days from Tomorrow will bottle it on Sunday arvo.
  4. craigsale

    Esb Nut Brown Still Going After 18 Days

    I am currently doing a ESB Nut brown ale 3kg. I only used 20 L of water and Safle 04 that came with it. It started within 24 hours and 18 days have passed at a temp of 18 to 20 degrees and it is still bubbling once every 2 or 3 minutes. Slowed right down in the 3rd week and gravity is 1010...