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  1. H

    Correct Filling Level In Bottles

    Yeah just be carefull, mix it as gently as possible i suppose. The yeast should pick up any oxygen that is there during bottle conditioning anyways.
  2. H

    Grand Ridge Gippsland Gold Pale Ale

    I can safely say that there is no diacetyl problem with the grand ridge beers any more. So probably leave the Werthers out of the recipe!
  3. H

    Correct Filling Level In Bottles

    Don't stress too much about fill heights being absolutely precise when bottle priming. It's more important when force carbonating because oxygen elimination is a vital necessity... If anything you want to overfill rather than under fill, just to keep as much oxygen out as possible. But like I...
  4. H

    Nutrient To Fermenter

    Racking does have it's place, I was purely expressing my opinion in that if the yeast was roused and attenuation was still not achieved, the yeast will not help the beer any longer. I was thinking more along the lines of re-pitching fresh, healthy, viable yeast.
  5. H

    Crown Lager

    A year or 2 ago one of my mates received a 6 pack of crownies off his tight ass boss as a chirstmas bonus.. He asked me the same question. "What the F%#K do I do with this crap!?" I'll give you the advice I gave him.. Stick them on the window sill that gets all day sunlight at home, then in 12...
  6. H

    Can I Pitch At 11c?

    Sounds like your on the pulse! Good luck.
  7. H

    34-70 Issues

    I understand completely mate, that's half the fun of a brewday! Hope you get it nutted out soon! I can see how pitching the yeast at warmer temps will help the fermentation speed, but definitely not better for the fermentation quality! A quick start isn't necessarily a good start.. For example...
  8. H

    34-70 Issues

    What was the reason for pitching the yeast at such a high temp? Is that as cold as your chiller can produce? Also did you oxgenate your wort?
  9. H

    Can I Pitch At 11c?

    Any chance that your chiller is a little blocked up?? I don't use a plate chiller, but I can imagine hops and what not could clog up the plates and reduce flow, leading to a colder run down temp. Just food for thought, I could be way off..
  10. H

    Nutrient To Fermenter

    Not sure how it will affect the finished product, although I am sure it will be drinkable.. Did you make a yeast starter or pitch the packet straight into the vessel?? and what temps did you ferment at?? Could be a good idea to rack it as soon as it bottoms out for the second time too, before...
  11. H

    Dry Hop Sock Floating On Wort.

    I had a batch of pale ale ready to be racked to secondary today, but after reading this thread decided to keg up and dry hop! I dry hop in the keg for a few reasons... Firstly the keg is full to the lid and under pressure so it eliminates hops floating completely. Secondly the volatile oils...
  12. H

    Preparing For 2012 Hop Growing Season?

    As last year wasn't the most prolific growing season for myself I am trying to get a plan together for this years hop growing season... Anyone with helpful knowledge and experience in this field, please feel more than free to share! What can I do at this time of year, or in the weeks to come...
  13. H

    Culturing Chimay Yeast

    Maybe you should try top cropping healthy, active yeast cells during high krausen, rather than storing the trub after the yeast has gone to sleep and mixed with all the dead cells etc..?
  14. H

    Culturing Chimay Yeast

    I can see myself ending up with a smack pack of 1214.. I will definitely be top cropping and re-culturing to boost the mileage of the pack!
  15. H

    Culturing Chimay Yeast

    Yeah I maybe should have considered the conditions the bottles go through to get to the local Dan Murphy's.. Such as the weeks that they would spend baking inside a shipping container in the summer sun ... haha.
  16. H

    Culturing Chimay Yeast

    How did you go about culturing it? On a stir plate or in the bottle? Nutrient or not? I hear what your saying about the ease of buying commercial yeast too, I still think I have a reculture attempt or 2 left in me for now though. Plus it does give me an excuse to splurge and buy a bottle or 2...
  17. H

    Culturing Chimay Yeast

    I know what you mean about the temperature varying the flavour and aroma profile, both my Hefeweizen and Witbier strains do the same at higher temps, particularly the Hefeweizen.. I am currently in the hunt for a fridge that I can dial in for colder fermentations, might need to call on a couple...
  18. H

    Culturing Chimay Yeast

    Haha, that's the way I look at it too! I dont think WYeast and White labs will start attaching bottles of Ale to their vials and packets any time soon...
  19. H

    Culturing Chimay Yeast

    This wouldn't suprise me "if" the label on the bottle didn't state: "Since 1862, Chimay's secondary fermented ales have neither been pasteurised nor filtered"