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  1. jimi

    Style Of The Week 21/6/06 - Altbier

    If it's your first alt I recommend going simple. What I have fermenting ATM is almost 100% Munich (just a touch of roast wheat for colour) to a OG of 1050 and 40IBUs, mashed I think at 65 (haven't got records with me). It's a good sessionable beer with lots of flavour. When I first did it the...
  2. jimi

    Giveaway:Inkbird Temperature Controller ITC-310T

    best AHB sponsor :ph34r:
  3. jimi

    Good beer week in Melb - what's best?

    I've not been to any GBW events and I am wondering if those who have been in the past (or are just in the know) could make some recommendations. I'm in the mood for variety !!! Events that are an easy commute (public transport) to each other would be appreciated too
  4. jimi

    Red wheat lager

    Contacted the brewer (Adam Betts - Northdown/Edge) and the grist is pils, wheat, red x and melanoidin. Never played with red x before and looking forward to the experiment. Let the trial and error begin! (who said brewing clones isn't fun)
  5. jimi

    Red wheat lager

    Looks nice, but yeah a bit of a different beast. Anyone else try the neighbourhood brew RWL ?
  6. jimi

    Red wheat lager

    No probs there Stu, but I was wondering more about the grist and balance. My instinct ATM is to go with something like my past Vienna recipe and sub the pils for wheat. There's this recipe from briess that I could convert too, what do others think of it - anyone tried it...
  7. jimi

    Red wheat lager

    I enjoyed the neighbourhood brew red wheat lager when I was last at the kustom kommune (Collingwood) and now thinking of having a go at something similar. I haven't found much, or had any experience of pitching a lager yeast in a wheat so I was wondering what others have tried(?) For the record...
  8. jimi

    Is coopers halal?

    Well said Fletch. People are entitled to their own opion, but they are not entitled to their own facts. Lazy assumptions should be challenged, whatever they are. The aim isn't to 'one up' anyone or to project some air of superiority, just to move to a more reasoned position. It may have got...
  9. jimi

    Festival of sacrifice.

    Is 'ideologies' the word youre looking for here? How do you have a society or for that matter a political system without ideologies?
  10. jimi

    Festival of sacrifice.

    Binding a sheep’s legs and slitting its throat is the way we butchered all our sheep. It's also the only way of butchering I've seen any other farmer use. It isn't something enjoyable but families have to eat. It's not as instant as the bolt to the head or electric shock that abattoirs use...
  11. jimi

    So, you've got a coalition.

    Comedians are good for a laugh, scholars and professors are good for facts.
  12. jimi

    Rye Pale Ale

    The heretic gramarye is worth a try. I've my second rye beer on tap ATM which is based heavily on a clone recipes for terrapin's rye pale ale (which I've never tried). There's 10% rye in my beer and as seamad stated I find the most notable contribution from the rye is the slick oily mouth...
  13. jimi

    Islamic State

    Seriously though, I will happily accept that from your point of view, religion and science are not necessarily mutually exclusive. However, I also hold that any system that does not allow for criticism, debate, and progress, tries to impose its will on others, has commandments that lists...
  14. jimi

    Islamic State

    As for your other question about religious and scientific compatibility - it depends how literally you want to interpret various scripture but if you interpret any of it literally, most of it is incompatible. Earth creation stories, miracles, resurrections, rebirths, supernatural beings, cosmic...
  15. jimi

    Islamic State

    Manticle - I wish I could get multi quote going on iPad because I'm addressing your point here too. Philosophy is absolutely necessary in this discussion and I wish Lecterfan would join in so it wasn't just me trying to explain truth again. These fields are essentially two different ways...
  16. jimi

    Islamic State

    OK this will be fun, lets be scientific about this and look for examples to support your claim. What science do you think is incompatible with a religious world view? evolution?, big bang? do your best (I'll get back to you tomorrow it's too late)
  17. jimi

    Islamic State

    Truth in 'everything' is a constantly evolving thing! As we evolve and develop our understanding so to does our truth. Could not agree with you more. And you would think that we should allow this to happen in all fields of study and learning. But I wonder whether theology gets allowed the...
  18. jimi

    Islamic State

    Science and religion shouldn't be seen as mutually exclusive (not that you said they were Liam). If science could kill any theology / belief it should!! I personally think that 'intelligent design' is an example of a certain fundamentalist theology moving further into its death throws. The...