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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. julzmma

    Help! Forgot Glucose!

    do i have to wait till the temp goes down before i add it in?
  2. julzmma

    Help! Forgot Glucose!

    That's awesome to hear guys! I'll try it tonight!
  3. julzmma

    Help! Forgot Glucose!

    I am such an idiot! I forgot to put the glucose in the fermentor and it's been sitting there for maybe three days now! I've been putting a hot water bottle next to it twice a day and everything! Is it possible to save it? Like just add glucose or do I start from scratch? :icon_drunk:
  4. julzmma

    Help Me Choose A Beer!

    I have my first brew still at fermentation stage :) Never thought about that but will defenately give it a go! haha, I so didnt know they were lagers! My introductions to lagers where the likes of VB and I had a boags that was a lager and didnt fancy it but it was in between having coopers...
  5. julzmma

    OK, You're Here And You Brew, What Else Do You Do?

    Used to be in IT 4 -5 years But now apprentice carpenter Also looking at joining CFA volunteer and Army reserves for side adventures
  6. julzmma

    Any Places Good Places To Buy Beer From In Geelong?

    Bump Im interested too Also interested in where did you end up going?
  7. julzmma

    Help Me Choose A Beer!

    I'm after some suggestions. *I AM VERY NEW TO BEER* I was never a beer drinker. Always Bourban / whiskey / scotch drinker and only resorted to beer when I ran out of everything else. All my friends are beer drinkers and think they know it all. One works at a bottle-o, one has been home...
  8. julzmma

    Is My Beer Ready? (pic)

    Yeah just the draught kit with kilo of dextrose. Well the reading is 1 notch under the black... what is that? I now see how dodgy this picture is, taken with iPhone in poor light!
  9. julzmma

    Hydrometer Tube

    ive heard of people not even using them and leaving there brew in the barrel for 14 days to be sure
  10. julzmma

    Is My Beer Ready? (pic)

    Thanks all for the replys! Was in a rush so I forgot to leave any details! Its was just a kit draught and today was its 10th day in the fermenter. 3 days ago the reading was like 1018. I didnt get a OG because the instructions i got from the local brew shop didnt have it there. Only found out...
  11. julzmma

    Is My Beer Ready? (pic)

    Hi, I am just wondering if this reading is good enough? From memory it is ment to read between 1 and 1.10?