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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Beer

    Calling All Brew Clubs

    Sorry to hijack this thread a little, but does anyone know of any Central Coast (Gosford-Newcastle area) Homebrew Clubs.. I am keen to be involved in one.
  2. Beer

    Brew Advice? Amber Ales

    Juniour.. I am doing an amber ale at the moment, see this thread My recipe is this: 1.5kg Muntons Premium Blonde 1.5kg Morgans Unhopped Amber Malt Extract 250g Maltodextrin 1 Brew Bag Cluster Finishing Hops Safale Yeast S-04...
  3. Beer

    First Fresh Wort Kit

    Well I rested the lager, and then today wanted to rack and CC it... unfortunatly, I only had 30ltr and 15ltr fermenters left to use, the 30ltr is too big for the fridge space i have, and the 15ltr is to small for the batch :angry: So I had to rack twice :P.. Racked to the 30 ltr, then clean...
  4. Beer

    Beez Neez Kit

    A kit Kaiser Weissen: Black Rock Whispering Wheat Dry Wheat Malt Extract 1kg Dry Corn Syrup 300g(maybe substitute with honey here) Crystal Grain 150g Tettnang Pellets 15g (finishing hops) Safwheat Yeast Brew as normal for a kit, boil cans, and corn syrup for 30 mins, boil hops for 10mins...
  5. Beer

    Long Necks? Tallies?

    As stated Big W has the Coopers P.E.T Homebrew bottles for about $12 for 15... Also ring your local pub, and ask if they have a recycle bin you can shift through for champagne, stubbies or longnecks. Pretty much all HBS's have bottles for sale, usually about $1 each for longnecks.
  6. Beer

    Tooheys Kit

    I tried my Tooheys brew yesterday and it was flat and very malty tasting.. Here was my method: 5/10/05 - 1 Can Tooheys Draught 1 Can Liquid Sugar (kit provided) 1 Packet kit yeast Sat cans in hot water for 10 mins and then added to fermenter with 2 litres hot...
  7. Beer

    Label Printing Programs

    I just use a peice of masking tape on the bottles, and fermenters to label them. But for my Xmas 6 packs (6 pack each to my brothers and old man) I have these labels printed. I use photoshop to design them. The brews for my 6 packs, each with own label are: Australian Draught Australian...
  8. Beer

    First Fresh Wort Kit

    Thanks for the response guys. Yeh T.D I missed the rest as well, but because it still has a samll foamy head on the wort, i am going to rest for a few days anyway.. then rack and CC for a week or so. I will have a taste in a few days before I rack and tell you the results.
  9. Beer

    First Fresh Wort Kit

    Ok an update... I had the temp of the lager at about 12-14.. it fluctuated a bit. I took a grav reading today, as the airlock had stopped bubbly :( and it was at 1.008 :o Now I may be wrong but after only around 7 days, i thought this would only be about 1.015-1.020... So anyway I have...
  10. Beer

    A German Home-brewery Ii

    I just like the free pron... :) Man you have a nice setup.. even excluding the beer godess :P Ihr ein glcklicher Gefhrte
  11. Beer

    Summer Lightning

    Just because of the title of this thread, I thought I would stick this pic up of "Summer Lightning"... Jan 2005 - Sydneys Western Suburbs Also a simple country ale, never had a summer lightning, so not sure on what would be similar. Beermakers Bitter Light Dry Malt Extract 800g Dextrose 200g...
  12. Beer

    James Squire Amber Ale

    Cheers, I have another 25g cluster... but its about 2 years old... its been kept cool and in the dark and in the packet.. will it still be ok? if not I can buy some more tomorrow. So I guess I will save the maltodextrin for another batch.. thx for that info. Tomorrow or sunday is brew day, so...
  13. Beer

    James Squire Amber Ale

    Sorry I should have been more accurate. The hops will have an 8 min boil soak and the bag will be in the fermenter till raking, when I will remove it. The maltodextrin was to give it an extra boost, with out the aid of a dextrose because as you say its got a ***** load of malt already and...
  14. Beer

    James Squire Amber Ale

    Hi, I am going to put another kit down before I venture into partial and then ag, and this time I wanna try for a James Squire Amber Ale Clone. I know I ask alot of questions :P but I wanna get a good technique down for my first few brews, so that I can only improve on it, not step backwards...
  15. Beer

    Pictures Of The New Bar Room

    Mate that is looken great. Being an ex chippy, I have the skills to do my own.. I just gotta convince my 6 year old and 4year old that they would be much more comfy in the dog kennel.. then I can build mine :P Congrats on a job well done.. can't wait to see the final touches. :beer:
  16. Beer

    Best Brew Boiler?

    had a look at those boilers myself.. is a 42ltr one too small? I hear alot of you say that a 70ltr is what you need.
  17. Beer

    Google Gets Pollitical

    Man, both of those had me in stitches... excellent stuff :D :beer:
  18. Beer

    Basic Mash Starter Kit

    Cheers T.D Yeh I am just gunna try to make up a shopping list now.. I have tried searching, but no luck.. so if I missed it, is there a detailed list of what is needed for a basic setup? GMK's was helpful, but I probably need more detail as to what I can source from the hardware shop (sizes...
  19. Beer

    Basic Mash Starter Kit

    Thanks for the fast replies. Ken, have emailed you. I will take your advice and set my sights on the keg system first, i already have an old fridge, so thats a bonus. I have a 2nd job at a Mitre 10 store, so I get everything for cost price, so alot of stuff I will be bale to get cheap :) I...
  20. Beer

    Basic Mash Starter Kit

    Anyone got any opinions on the Basic Mash Starter Kits (the ale one) from ESB? I am tossing up buying one of these, or spending the $500 on a keg system. What would be more benoficial for me?.. I am a newbie at HB, but am thoroughly enjoying it. Just would like some ideas... Cheers, Beer