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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Beer Labels And Logos

    The usual suspects ,pale ale,stout,blonde and porter. Much appreciated since I have serious lack of photoshop skills. Andy.
  2. B

    Beer Labels And Logos

    Wow....that,s just awesome. I can see that as a bumper sticker already. Cheers Schooey :D Any thoughts of a traditional style label? Andy.
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    Beer Labels And Logos

    Hey guys...looking for some ideas for a label design. Since I erected my purpose built 7x6 man cave it has been called the doghouse by all and sundry. So Doghouse brewing should naturally be on my labels. Any ideas? Cheers Andy
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    Something Smells Fishy

    Is that a fly reel I see there? I do a bit of saltwater fly fishing as well as bream tournies. Nice yella btw...very nice. Cheers Andy.
  5. B


    Was it the reynella lhbs....if so I had the same response to the fresh wort kits...although going by the date...not that fresh. Can you pm me the Adelaide supplier you have found. Sorry for hi-jack of thread op. cheers Andy.
  6. B

    My Upgraded Biab Rig

    Would love to catch up with a few of my fellow Adelaide brewers for an ag demonstration and to check out what i need for a similar setup. Cheers Andy. :beer:
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    My Upgraded Biab Rig

    Awesome rig....I may need to pick your brain when I take the next step from k & K. Cheers Andy.
  8. B

    Time For A New Brew.

    Brew number 2 is bottled and doing its thing. I have a Coopers canadian blonde can, was thinking along the lines of... canadian kit box of be1 250g ldme 250g honey cascade teabag steeped cascade teabag added dry after ferment Comments ,ideas,suggestions much appreciated. Looking for a weekend...
  9. B

    Brew Number 2

    Bottled yesterday....sample from the tap a little cloudy...but WOW....citrus hop notes, awesome taste reflected the harshness. i have high hopes for this one :chug: cheers for all the advice. Andy :party:
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    Brew Number 2

    Ok ferment has died down....amarillo is in the brew. How long shall i leave it till bottling? Was thinking Thursday...what say you experts? Cheers Andy.
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    Brew Number 2

    Already done... :D
  12. B

    Brew Number 2

    brew number 2 is go.... happily bubbling away at 19 degrees, foam nearly to the lid. Thanks for all the prompt advice...will keep you all informed as to my success or failure. Cheers Andy :beer:
  13. B

    Brew Number 2

    Cheers for the quick replies guys. Will do as suggested with the amarillo. should i scrap the 500g of brew sugar and just go with the be2 to avoid the headbanger status? 1/2 of each maybe? will have a looky re catch ups raven...although arvo shift makes midweek impossible for me. Cheers.
  14. B

    Brew Number 2

    Gday guys...first post be gentle ;) anyway second brew ever so here is what i have on hand Coopers aussie pale ale kit 1kg be2 1kg brewing sugar 15g teabag cascade 15g teabag amarillo sachet us-05 yeast (these three courtesy of brother in law) My rough draft kit 1kg be2 500g sugar cascade...