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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    Thread Size On Downey Taps

    i cut a few threads to figure it out, so for future reference they're 1-1/4 --14 tpi
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    Thread Size On Downey Taps

    Hey alll, Anyone know what thread size is used on the downey beer taps? the ones that are these style, I have a few taps im making a font/manifold for and theyre a bit to short to measure properly, if anyone had a font that they...
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    Where To Drill The Holes?

    i actually welded a longer A frame on our camp trailer with a 50 by 50 angle square for the freezer to fit into. Works perfectly and takes up no space at all the the kegorator on the front of the trailer
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    Where To Drill The Holes?

    Ah thanks mate, i never thought of that either
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    Where To Drill The Holes?

    You guys may also be interested that this freezer has been converted to run two thermostats. one for freezing and one for chilling. This is so i can take it camping. We freeze about six inches of water sold in the bottom then pack in the kegs and surround them with ice, it stays icy cold beer...
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    Where To Drill The Holes?

    i never even thought of checking where it has frozen. I left it on last night to check in what position the switch froze or chilled, this morning it has a perfect frost line where the cooling lines are! Not a good pic i know but you can kinda see them.
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    Where To Drill The Holes?

    Hey guys n girls, I was just about to drill the holes in my simpson tuckerbox for the beer taps. when i realised they must have some kind of radiator/heat exchanger in it somewhere.... Does anyone know if its safe to drill the sides or the front? Anyone know where the radiator thingy is?
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    Cream Soda

    Oh i get it, the yeast is only for carbonation. Its not actually fermented. Still... has anyone ever made any?
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    Cream Soda

    Hey guys, i just saw that one of the sponsors has cream soda. The instructions say to add yeast but seems to be suggestion kegging immediately, without any ferment. Is this correct? Has anyone made it?
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    Camping Kegs

    They are pretty exy and a few of the campers already have them, they will keep ice in full summer for two days. My $30 freezer keeps ice for fours days easy, even if its in the sun. On the A frame of the trailer it takes up no space an the landcruiser tows it without knowing its there even.
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    Camping Kegs

    i did actually try this early in the adventure, i found it worked good but only for a day before we hand no ice left and drank warm beer LOL. With a freezer and decent volume of ice we have cold beer four and five days in easy LOL Good point on the brass taps, i think i have even seen old pubs...
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    Camping Kegs

    Ok guys n girls, I have been using a home made kegs system for quite a while now. But i recently purchased 5 of the propper 19 litre kegs and am setting up for taking these camping with us. I have been using the home made setup camping for years now and it was a bit dodgy so now im trying to...
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    Keging Ginger Beer

    Hey all, I have never keged anything before and i want to give ginger beer a go at the same time. I have brewed and bottled a few times, but keging and ginger beer are both new to me. I have a keg kit and a brigalow ginger beer kit. Is there anything i should know? can just gas the keg and...