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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. A

    Canadian Blonde

    Bottled this last weekend: Canadian blonde can 1kg LDME 20g cascade 10mins 20g cascade 0mins US-05, fermented at 18 degrees. I've done just the can plus BE2 before and it was drinkable, but as seems to be the consensus, quite bland. Definitely needs additional hops to liven it up a bit. Sample...
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    Have I Gone Wrong?

    Sounds very similar to my recent experience. I think I got shafted by HBS with a lager yeast instead of an ale yeast, and fermented at higher temp (18-20) and ended up with some really awful flavours. Seems to be improving slightly the longer I leave it though.
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    Should I Ditch This Brew Or Wait?

    Thanks for the fast replies. Methinks I needed to discover this forum earlier! Additional info: yeast used was just the kit yeast (I think the HBS bloke said it was actually an ale yeast), pitched at 22 and fermented for 12 days around 18 degrees, FG 1010. I seem to keep reading that kit...
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    Should I Ditch This Brew Or Wait?

    Hey all I'm around 6 batches into my home brew career and have recently cracked open a Black Rock export pilsner. First impressions are that its bloody awful, lots of sweet cidery flavours and weird fruity aroma :icon_vomit: , not what i think a pils should be! I've tried inflicting it on a...