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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. growinghops

    Growing Hops

    The taller the better but the hop bines will take what you give them. My first year hops (in the ground) are at 6 meters and still climbing, this at a little after 2 months since they sprouted. Make sure you are using a sizable pot (5 gallon bucket size or bigger). Best of luck!
  2. growinghops

    Growing Hops

    You don't know if you don't try. It is very inexpensive to try a few rhizomes. I don't know your weather conditions, but generally if you are between the 30th and 50th parallels (north or south) it can be done. For less than $20 you can try it. You need well drained soil so dig down at least...
  3. growinghops

    Growing Hops In Sth East Qld

    Where I live in Minnesota, USA, it gets down to -35 fahrenheit during the winter. Just mulch over your hops during the winter with leaves, grass and or straw/hay - anything that acts like an insulator. Hops are very hardy and easily survive our winters. Hope this helps.