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  1. Vossy1

    Thinking Of Building A Herms

    :icon_cheers: I've seen a few HERMS lately that advocate having a sensor in the HE pool to avoid boiling. I can only forsee boiling happening in the HE if you get a stuck mash, stopping the recirc pump. If the recirc sensor is mounted close enough to the HE outlet it should heat up to set...
  2. Vossy1

    Thinking Of Building A Herms

    Always good to see real science in action It would be silly not to ensure that the copper replacement was less than 304 or 316, which are food grade. Copper oxide is easily stripped from the surface of copper by wort, but due to acidic nature of wort, it will continue to eat away at the copper...
  3. Vossy1

    Thinking Of Building A Herms

    Here's the info on the conductivity differences between copper and stainless steel which are applicable to HERMS heat exchangers. The difference is not as big as you would think, and considering HERMS units have a continual heat source, it makes even less difference. And here's a reference...
  4. Vossy1

    Thinking Of Building A Herms

    There is a difference between the conductive properties of copper and stainless, and copper is better. One of my own main concerns was the ability to dry the HE between uses, to avoid verdigris formation. Stainless negates that problem, or doing anything fancy to avoid it. I'm also quite...
  5. Vossy1

    Thinking Of Building A Herms

    Sammus has prety much covered the HE. The smaller the volume of the HE, the faster it will react to temperature fluctuations in the mash. My HE has a 3ltr volume and I insulate all the piping. I use an insulated MT and AFAIC the only 'weak spot' in my system is the non insulated HE pot, I must...
  6. Vossy1

    Heating Elements In Kettle.. Yes/no?

    Yes. If you were to use a totally overated element v kettle size then scorching could be a problem. I use 2 x 2.75kw elements to boil 76ltr down to 66ltr over 90 mins (pre boil and post boil vols depend on hop quantity used), with the lid partially on I can get away with 1 element driving the...
  7. Vossy1


    As Sully says, the March pumps are hard to beat. I've used 2 of them now for near on 2 years. My only dislike of them is the drop in flow rate when loaded with reistance on the outlet. That's not a concern for most home brewers though. Preferably a magnetically coupled pump, with food grade...
  8. Vossy1

    Water Jacket For Mash Tun With Herms

    I've used a HERMS system in the U.K for the last 2 years. My heat exchanger has a 3ltr volume and a 2.4kw electric element. I use a March 809HS pump set at 2ltr/min for recirc. I have used the same HE with both a non insulated 50ltr mash tun, and a 80ltr insulated (foam) MT, and both have held...
  9. Vossy1

    Introduce Yourself.

    :lol: He's not far wrong C, though I seem to remember making his stainless copper/boiler for maybe not that slow :D Glad to be here B)
  10. Vossy1

    Introduce Yourself.

    Morning guys (well it is here in the U.K)....not sure that's a good thing...I bet my head will hurt I'm admin on and have come here via Ross at Craftbrewer and Chappo. I've been brewing AG for 3 years and presently use a HERMS system to make my beer. As soon as...