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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. D

    Adelaide Visit

    any of you boys keen for a second round on the saturday lunch / arvo at Grumpy's?? that's sat 19/11 i'll be in town whilst my missus is at work on the saturday, so keen to poke my head in at the Grumps and try some of these brews that are talked up so much about... word on the street is that...
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    Anyone Suggest A Good Partial Ipa Recipe?

    thanks heaps for the tips guys... will be keen to get one of these brews going shortly... gotta keep those kegs full!.. cheers D
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    Anyone Suggest A Good Partial Ipa Recipe?

    jayse, nah, sounds complicated, but it's not like that at all.. in goes kit, 1kg LME, some cascade hops steeped in a cup for 10 mins and make up with water... no boil experineces etc, so that's why i'm looking for a simple recipe... D
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    Anyone Suggest A Good Partial Ipa Recipe?

    Guys, i'm interested in a recipe (and some supplimentary directions!) for a IPA or similar for my first partial... i usually make a IPA with some cascade hops, some light malt and WPL001 yeast and it doesn't turn out too bad, but wanna move into the partials.. any advice / suggestions would be...
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    Kegging Setups

    ok guys, thought i'd put up my keg setup... this setup is only 2 days old, so it's still in it's development stages! :lol: ... (only just finished laying the concrete ontop of the retaining wall last week! you can see where the hole saw packed it in cutting the opening for the tap, but it's...
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    Kegging And Cleaning

    thanks guys for the tips... either way it looks like it's gonna shat all over bottling!... D
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    Kegging And Cleaning

    G;day guys, well, after scrubbing bottles for some 4 years, i've finally managed to get myself a keg system.. scored a sweet deal (that came with a 9kg cylinder !), so now i'm ready to hit the taps!... but i do have a few questions.. what is the best way to clean the kegs / lines between...
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    Free Stubbies ~ Lots Of Them!

    ahh, yeah, prob a bit much... but only just! LOL! i found out today that i'll be inadelaide in mid november for a few days.. wonder how many bottles Qantas will let me take onboard?? anyone know how far the grumpy's brewhause is from the airport, and how can I get there without having to...
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    Co2 Cylinder: Reckon This Idea Will Work?

    thought i'd run my plan past you guys to see if it sounds ok? I'm getting my hands on a 9kg CO2 cylinder from a mate for $50 (and it's 1/2 full too!), and it's been pressure tested to 2009 and is in good nick... only problem is that it's an air liquide bottle, and no air liquide filling...
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    Free Stubbies ~ Lots Of Them!

    Guys, I'm getting rid of most of my stubbies as i'm changing over to kegs in the next few weeks,... so if you want to get youir hands on around 500 CLEAN stubbies (mostly crown seals, but some twisties as well... ), let me know.. if i get no joy within the next week or so, then the recycling...
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    Leffe Blonde

    flair enough steve.... no probs.. was just a recipe i picked up alittle while ago... then i guess i'll sit back with the others and ask the advice of others for a suitable kit based leffe recipe! (and look forward to my 'mutant' leffe when she's ready!) D
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    Leffe Blonde

    Here is a recipe that I got given, and currently have in the fermentor.. it's starting to slow down now, (havn't had a sample yet), but smells good through the airlock... Muntons Premium Lager 1.5kg light liquid malt 500g glucose 25g Saaz hop pellets Safale K-97 yeast. Bring 2 litres of...
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    Fire Extinguisher Co2 Bottle

    thanks linz... ya, actually put up their link in my previous post!... they are my fall back position if I can't convince myself to get a exting... i'm 90% sold on it, except the leaking issue of it... prob just an overcautious keggine newbie! :huh: mmm.... So your saying that if I get the...
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    Fire Extinguisher Co2 Bottle

    thanks Justin... i'm in wollongong, so G&G is out of the question... a few mobs sell bottles for around the $250 (like this place: but again, can pick up a fire ext. for sub $150 filled, so still persuing this option... either way there's no way...
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    Fire Extinguisher Co2 Bottle

    can you give me any more info on the 'ross' method?? mate, your about 8 kegs ahead of me... i'm only just trying to start kegging, so everything's new to me! :huh: D
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    Fire Extinguisher Co2 Bottle

    justin, do you run your valve/head in the on position permanetnly? I'm wondering if turning it on/off regularly may contribute to the leak issue? D
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    Fire Extinguisher Co2 Bottle

    Guys, sorry to pull up an old thread, but I have been going down this path recently, and have come across a hurdle that I hope you guys can help me with... I was talking with a extingushser service place, and they directed me to a bloke who had apparently done this to a few bottles... He...
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    Au Ball Lock Keg Pricing

    go to his ebay page and read the shipping directions... gives you a postage price on there... i got a price for 4 kegs to wollongong NSW around US$73 hope this helps D
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    Au Ball Lock Keg Pricing

    ya, i've shot off an enquiry email as above, and will prob order / pay tommorow... hopefully they still have some of the smaller kegs in stock as well.. D
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    Cheap Kegs

    sorry mate, one more thing for a kegging newbie.. just been checking out rebuilding the kegs as well.. what list of items do I need for rebuilding these kegs? i'm assuming poppets and o-rings? (was gonna order some spare sets for them whilst i was ordering the kegs to save on postage, but...