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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    MY Kegerator

    Just thought id share with you guys a pic of my kegerator I've just made. It is painted in candy apple red with 2 taps. Fits 2 kegs and my gas bottle in there easily. Ive just gotta pit a nice drip tray on and its done.
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    Ageing question

    just wondering what peoples thoughts are about ageing there beer. What i want to know is will my HB ( i brew mainly ales)age in the keg at serving temp after i carb it up? I usually leave in the fermenter for 14 days then straight into the keg and drinking within a couple of days. Will it...
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    Can i leave my wort over night to cool?

    just wondering if it would be ok to leave my wort overnight to cool? Also should i leave the hop bag in there overnight also or take it out??
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    Brew day today

    Just thought id share what i brewed today, nothing exiting just a simple one. Its only my second batch of AG. Any feed back welcome. Here what i did BIAG full boil OG 1053 27.6 IBU 15.6 EBC Approx 5.16 % abv 4.5 kg pale 500 g flaked rye 250 g carapils 150 g caramunich 2 150 crystal 20l Mash...
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    Recipe feedback help

    What style of AG beer would this recipe be?? And would it be any good to brew?? 3 kg pale malt ( 2 row) 1.5 kg crystal malt 30l 500 g carapils 500g caramunich 2 500g flacked rye 30 g Cascade ( 50 min) 30 g cascade ( 30 mins) 30 g cascade ( 5 min) WLP 001 yeast
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    When to add more water

    Im a little confused as to when to add more water. Can someone please explain it for me Example : making a 9 litre batch of ale. The recipe sais start with 10 litres of water bring to req temp etc steep grains for an hour take grains out sparge( dunk) grain bag in 1 litre of water and tip it...
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    Boil water amount

    Silly question i know but i am here to learn. I have just done my first AG brew today , only a 9litre batch. Now the recipe only said to start with 10 litres of water steep grain for 60 min etc and "sparge "grains in 1 litre of water so a total size of 11 litres . It was a 50 min boil. Etc ...
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    Hop boil question

    ok so just wanting a bit of feedback on when to put the hop bag out of the boil Eg a recipe calls for cascade 15min Cascade 5 mins and cascade at flame out. Now when you wack the last addition of hops in at flame out when is the best time to take the hop bag out? Before i start cooling the wort?
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    Cane sugar substitute

    My recipe for an AG pale ale calls for 600gms of cane sugar . Is there a substitute for this? And will the substitute make a difference in the final result . I cant rind cane sugar at any of my local brew shops or super markets.
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    Carb drops taste diffrence

    Bit if a silly question but do carb drop affect the flavour of a beer? I always keg and haven't bottled much so just trying to get a bit of feed back as i will be bottling the next batch or 2,Will dex , carb drops or normal sugar make any deference in taste etc? I know the carb drop take a...
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    Bulk buying grain

    I am about to start my first AG beer. Was wondering if anyone could recommend somewhere to buy bulk grain for a reasonable price. I live in Adelaide
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    Getting rid of that "homebrew taste"

    Forgive me if this sounds like a stupid question but does anyone have any tips. on how to get rid if that "homebrew taste" i have been only brewing a but over a year and am an partial mash brewer/ extract. i have made some very nice beers that ive been very happy with but id like to be able to...
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    Nottingham yeast question

    I know its best to ferment this yeast around15 - 18 degree celcius but ive just made a simple cascade type ale . Anyway pitched at 22c and couldnt get the temp dow any lower so it been at a constant 22 c for 5 days now and is just about finished. My question is 22c going to give me bad results...