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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. mosto

    New brew rig build questions

    Hi all, I'm tossing up whether to fork out the $$$ for a Grainfather, or build a similar system, especially now you can buy the GF Connect controller separately. I scored an old 50l keg from the tip a while ago. Someone must have had a similar idea to me but gave up and chucked it, as the the...
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    Smoked Scotch Ale recipe check

    Hi all, After trying a few commercial Scottish Ales lately that have a peat smoke flavour to them, I'm keen to have a crack at brewing one. After checking the BJCP guidelines as a reference point, I see that peat smoke is not looked upon favourably in the style, or brewing in general it would...
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    Coopers release 2016 Vintage Ale

    Looking forward to trying this...
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    So I forgot about my mead...

    So a few years ago, I decided I'd try my hand at making a mead. From memory, it was some locally sourced Orange Blossom Honey, water, and probably some US05 at a guess, all combined into a cleaned and sanitised 2L juice bottle, glad wrap over the opening and put up the back of a laundry cupboard...
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    Sensational find, now how best to use it...

    Doing a garbage run to the local rubbish tip on the weekend and I spy an old keg sitting over by the scrap metal pile. I asked the tip guy if I could have a look at it, and he said "It's yours if you want it, but the top's been cut out". Sweet! On inspection it was in fact the bottom that had...
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    Dark Malt Powder

    I've just discovered I can access to some Dark Malt Powder from work for nothing (not stealing, their happy for me to grab a couple of kg's now and then). Looking into it a bit more, it's actually roasted barley that's been milled to a fine flour, bakeries use it to add flavour and colour to...
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    AC/DC Beer

    Not holding out any great hopes for the flavour of this beer, but will probably grab some even if just to add to my bottle/can collection that I plan on displaying when I finally get around to converting my garage into a man cave.
  8. mosto

    Bridge Road Biere De Garde

    I fully admit I'm a complete novice when it comes to Belgian beer styles. I've tasted a couple, but never brewed any. I recently signed up to the Bridge Road Beer Posse, and get sent a case every three months. My first case came this week, and included three stubbies of their Chavalier Biere De...
  9. mosto

    Australian Saison

    Given the Australian climate and the nature of the Saison style (ie refreshing, dry, fermented at higher temps), they seem a match made in heaven. I'm surprised we don't see more Saisons brewed locally, or even more readily available locally. Anyhow, I've been contemplating brewing a Saison...
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    BIAB recirc help

    Hi all, Just after some help on designing a recirc system for my BIAB pot. This is my current setup / procedure. I use a ~40L Crab Cooker pot from BCF. I use the insert that came with it and line that with my BIAB bag. When the mash is finished, I tie off the bag and lift the insert out, bag...
  11. mosto

    Kiwis first to fuel cars from the by-product of beer
  12. mosto

    NZ Fuggles substitute

    Hi all, I've got a recipe which calls for NZ Fuggles for flavour/aroma. I'm having trouble sourcing some, tried my usual online suppliers and google but didn't come up with much. Any tips on a close substitute. Logic would tell me UK Fuggles, but from what I've read they taste very different. I...
  13. mosto

    Sail & Anchor Pale Ale

    No, not the Monkey's Fist crap that Woolies contract brews. Was in Dan's yesterday and noticed a range of beers I hadn't tried, Sail & Anchor. At first I thought it was the S&A stuff Woolies peddles as craft beer, just with a packaging make over. On closer inspection, it wasn't, so grabbed a 4...
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    Whale balls anyone?

    New brew from with sheep ****-smoked whale testicles!!!
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    BIAB step mashing

    Hi all, I'm thinking of incorporating step mashing into my BIAB procedure and just wanted to check my plans with some of you more experienced with BIAB step mashing. I use a 40L crab cooker pot with a 2200W fixed element. The bag sits in the insert that came with the pot, in which I've drilled...
  16. mosto

    Any experience using Malt Flour

    I found out recently that among the various products my company sells is Dark Malt Flour. I spoke to the head of our R&D to confirm if it is made from malted barley, which it is. It's used in the baking industry as it is diastatic and reacts with the yeast to help baking products rise. I grabbed...
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    Fermenticus Brew Log iPhone App

    I've just noticed an app for iPhone called Fermenticus Brew Log. I've downloaded it and had a play and it seems quite good. I plan to give it trial run with my next brew day, hopefully this weekend. There's some details about it here. Some small issues I notice is no mash / boil timer (but I...
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    Think I've got my first infection

    Been brewing about three years and, up to this point, infection free. I don't claim to have the best sanitation procedures, but so far they seem to have been adequate. Brewed a Kolsch about a week ago, I no chill and ferment in the cube (20L jerry from Bunnings). I was using some harvested...
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    Brewing with unmalted wheat

    I'm going to brew this weekend and am pretty much out of base malt except for 4kg of Pilsner. I brew 20-25L batches so this will almost enough for a batch, but I only have some dark specialty grains other than the Pilsner. The compressor on my ferment fridge is on the blink at the moment, so i...
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    Borenore Brewhouse

    For those in the the Orange NSW area, I've just tried the Pale Ale from the newly opened Borenore Brewhouse. I've gotta say, this is a really, really good beer. A work colleague gave me a couple of stubbies they bought at the Orange Farmers Markets and I was very impressed. The bottle states...