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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. ballantynebrew

    Celli tap seal kit - WTB

    Hey fellas Been chasing a new 7 part kit for my celli, anyone know where I can one? Cheers
  2. ballantynebrew

    Spiegelau IPA Glasses on Sale

    David Jones currently have all glassware 30% off got some IPA glasses yesterday
  3. ballantynebrew

    Carared Recipes Ideas

    hi fellas after a bit advice for a recipe involving the following I've got on hand - 2 kg of cara red us-05 hops - pride of ringwood super pride nelson cluster any style im open to- looking at using mostly grain and not kits. I'm sure a base is needed but not quite sure where to start Also...
  4. ballantynebrew

    Recipe Ideas - Carared

    hi fellas after a bit advice for a recipe involving the following more or less - 2 kg of cara red us-05 hops - pride of ringwood super pride nelson cluster any style im open to cheers :chug:
  5. ballantynebrew

    Cara Malt Brew

    hey fellas ive been doing kits for a while now, and really want to move into grain my mate recommends trying cara malts in regards to steeping to give the brew that extra something im on the verge of BIAB, but wanted to get suggestions of a cara recipe or ideas to kick me in the right...
  6. ballantynebrew

    No More 4 Packs At Brisbane Brewhouse

    went in to get a 4 pack after a ****** day at work and the guy told me they wont do them anymore, they will move onto growlers at some stage. :(
  7. ballantynebrew

    Regulators - Tap - & Lines For Sale - Brisbane

    Looking at getting rid of this gear i picked up to built my kegerator - as per the photos im happy to let it all go for $150 ONO PM me if interested in any parts cheers Ballantynebrew
  8. ballantynebrew

    Natural Carbonation For Kegs

    Hey fellas Just got myself a kegerator and have to still get a co2 bottle, in the meantime I have a stout ready to be carbed. Mate of mine reckons natural carb is a good idea. Any advice on how much sugar etc Cheers
  9. ballantynebrew

    Coverting This A To Kegerator

    hey fellas ive picked up some of this gear and was hoping to apply it to a kegerator only issue is the tap and regulators hard been fitted to piping etc wondering if i had any major issues or what advice you would give me to apply it to my fridge cheers ;)
  10. ballantynebrew

    Cider Ideas

    Hey fellas Just after some pretty simple successful cider recipes ? Cheers
  11. ballantynebrew

    Caramel In A Brew?

    Hi fellas I have a good mate of mine who came across about 1kg of Caramel, its the same stuff They use at maccas. could a bit of it be used for a brew? Cheers
  12. ballantynebrew

    Refractometers On Ebay

    Hello fellow hebrewers I've had a few brews that did not measure right, so instead of going to get another hydrometer, id invest a little tech. Any things to avoid? Cheers
  13. ballantynebrew

    Ginger Beer - Bitters Angostura?

    hello brains trust got pretty much everything ready tomorrow for my 1st ginger beer 1 can of brigalow ginger beer 350 g of raw ginger 1kg of extra malt 2 limes 5 birds eye chillies 1 kg dex 2 kg of raw sugar us - 05 yeast 1 bottle of buderim ginger refresher 23lt been looking over a few...
  14. ballantynebrew

    Bulimba Gold Top Pale Ale - Re-release

    Got a carton of this at dan's for 38 buxs Easy drinking bout it.. Feedback?
  15. ballantynebrew

    RecipeDB - Hopping Mad

    <div class='ipsBox clear vcard' id='recipe_card'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed ipsLayout ipsLayout_withleft ipsLayout_smallleft clearfix'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs ipsLayout_left' id='recipe_tabs'> <p class='short photo_holder'> <img...