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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Alex81

    Nano Brewery

    Hi all, I am now onto building my second brewery! my first was a 50lt HERMS system made from Kegs. I am now building a 300lt or 80gal brewery. I am building this with the possibility of going commercial nano brewery or just have a kick ass home brewery. The main specs are 400lt or 105 gal...
  2. Alex81

    Best High Gravity Yeast

    Hi all, I am about to attempt an AG american barleywine. What would be the best yeast to use.
  3. Alex81

    Gas Vs Electric

    Hi would just like to hear your thoughts on gas vs electric for heating a boil kettle.
  4. Alex81

    Good Welder

    Hi all, Was wondering if anyone knows a good SS Welder for the construction of a brew stand.