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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. W

    Question about my first gluten free extract brew

    Hi Mark, Thanks very much for the info and the tips. Will take any advise I can get. Will try and make a Hefeweizen style gluten free brew shortly. See how we go. For syphoning the beer off, do I just buy a new plastic syphon hose from somewhere, clean and sanitise and I'm right to go?
  2. W

    Question about my first gluten free extract brew

    Hi everyone, Just a quick question about my first gluten free brew. This is my first extract brew also. I have done pretty well what all the videos/info have told me to do. I thought I'd try and be real deadly and put all of my hops in hop sock so I didn't have to strain as much of the hops off...
  3. W

    Yeast for a Sorghum 'Weißbier' style beer

    Hi everyone, I now have to brew with sorghum extract since being diagnosed with coeliac disease. I want to have a go at making something along the lines of a Bavarian Weißbier. Can anyone recommend a good wheat beer yeast that may give the brew some banana flavours. Also if anyone has some...
  4. W

    Briess White Sorghum Syrup

    It over in Emerald mate. They are nice people to deal with. They carry a fair range of stock also. This is the shop I got my first few brews from to get me away . The bloke I spoke with was really helpful with...
  5. W

    Briess White Sorghum Syrup

    Thanks for that Nibbo! Will let them know mate. Thanks for the replies fellas!!!! Yes, Ceoliacs is a bit of a bummer but it could be worse of coarse. I have already made one of the Mangrove Jacks Apple Cider kits. Was the Spiced Apple one. It came out really nice! The flavour is a bit...
  6. W

    Briess White Sorghum Syrup

    Hello everyone, Not sure if I'm meant to ask this here but can someone put me onto the distributor on Briess White Sorghum Syrup please? I have just been diagnosed with Coeliac Disease and have to get my LHBS to start stocking and they aren't sure on where to get it. Cheers!