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  1. dblunn

    temp ds 18b20 .. not working

    Hi, I think Jaycar sell the devices, but they will be in a bare TO-92 package so you will need to encapsulate it some how. Dave
  2. dblunn

    EOI on a couple of small Cascade crowns/rhizomes

    Would you post them? I'm on the NSW south coast and would like a cascade. Dave
  3. dblunn

    New Fridge Fermenter Project

    Yes easy to do. I have my fridge compressor wired to the STC-1000 cooling contacts and I have a brew belt sitting inside the fridge wired to the heating contacts as well. The STC-1000 is bolted to the outside of the fridge in a, you guessed it, jiffy box. Dave
  4. dblunn

    SWMBO's away time to play

    House to yourself for a few days, you luck bastard. Good luck with the brewery reno, and remember there is no shame in buying beer, consider it research. Dave
  5. dblunn

    How do you deal with hop pellets?

    Hi Rude, I'm interested in your termimesh trial. How much surface area did you have, was it similar to what the 'Electric Brewery' system uses? I ask as I want to do something like the Electric Brewery product but I'm not sure of the mesh specs required or where to source the mesh. The Termimesh...
  6. dblunn

    Easy Siphon

    Hi, I had a look at my S/S jiggler head and it is the same brand as this eBay one. Colour is probably due to the camera used, it is S/S. Dave
  7. dblunn

    Easy Siphon

    I bought a stainless Steel jiggy siphon head that fits onto a 1/2" silicon hose that works well. Can't remember where I bought it, I think it was from Nev at onlinebrewingsupplies Dave
  8. dblunn

    240V 30amp Mechanical Relays

    Normally yes but, as the final point of isolation before the element of a portable water heater that may well be supplied via an extension lead, I think a double pole switch/relay would be a good idea. Dave
  9. dblunn

    240V 30amp Mechanical Relays

    If you are wanting to have electrical isolation then I would stick to the relay/switch on the downstream side of the SSR. Those SSR devices are more fragile than a relay and could fail at an inopportune time, even when working normally they have a small leakage current that may cause safety...
  10. dblunn

    Overgravity Brewing

    Hi FB, the significant factor pre/post fermentation top up is the dissolved oxygen in the water. Pre ferment it is a good thing but post ferment it is a bad thing so take care at removing it or your beer will go stale very quickly. Dave Oops, left this on my screen for a couple of hours before...
  11. dblunn

    Upright freezer with cooling shelves

    Yeh a little confusing wasn't it. What I meant was, the sold bars that form the shelf base and are bonded to the cooling tubes could be cut just before the rear most cooling tube (which has the refrigerant in it). That will allow the bending of the shelf to be turned into a twisting motion along...
  12. dblunn

    Consistently Lower Bottling Volumes

    And the best lessons are learnt this way, all the best for your next brew. Dave
  13. dblunn

    Consistently Lower Bottling Volumes

    No, OG is the specific gravity (density) into the FV. Preboil will be lower as the boil off condenses the wort hence the density increases. It makes sense as the OG-FG is used to estimate the alcohol content. Dave
  14. dblunn

    Upright freezer with cooling shelves

    Maybe cut the fore/aft running bars at the rear to allow the shelves to be bent down and spread the twisting load across the entire length of the cooling pipe. Dave
  15. dblunn

    CPBF Carbonator Cap not sealing

    I had a similar problem, the thread is not cut properly so the bottle tightens up in the thread and the top lip never gets a proper seal on the gasket. I got mine replaced, if your handy with a lathe you could cut the thread a bit deeper but an internal blind thread into stainless is a bitch...
  16. dblunn

    Grain Mill Motor

    Nah, its not desmodromic!
  17. dblunn

    Keg Fridge Dramas. Any ideas?

    I had a frost free keg fridge once upon a time with the same sort of problem. Turned out to be the timer that controls the defrost cycle, it had stopped so no defrosting and the evaporator at the back of the freezer was chockabloc full of ice and there was no path for the cold air to make its...
  18. dblunn

    Beersmith: flameout, steeping, whirlpool hops; steep spec grains?

    Another reason for adding dark grains at the end of the mash is to avoid having to up the pH if you have softish water. Gordon Strong recommended this method in "brewing better beer". The darker grains will bring the pH down and with soft water this could be too low (less than 5.2 @ room temp)...
  19. dblunn

    Wiring Data outputs from PID.

    RS 485 uses 5V signal levels and can go tri-state (hi Z) to allow multidrop connections. Make sure you have a RS-485 adapter to connect to it as a RS-232 uses +/- 12 -15 V. Even though the UART is the same the line drivers are different. Dave
  20. dblunn

    3 Vessel - 1 x Urn, 2 x Cooler, 1 x Pump

    Ha, no I'm not he! The book is a good read, no in the same league as Noonan, Strong etc but worth a look particularly as he advocates the method your planning to use and he gives some info on operating the system. Regards, Dave (not Miller)