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  1. dblunn

    Got a RIMS I need help!

    Hi, Just looked at your diagram, the line and neutral are back to front on the Australian plugs. When looking at the socket, the active (line) is on the left. Although when you come to wire it the socket will be colour coded so you be had pressed to do it wrong. Also, why don't you put the SSR...
  2. dblunn

    Is this some sort of shut off valve?

    It is designed to protect the keg form over-pressure in the event of a regulator failure. Cornie kegs have PRV but standard 50 L kegs don't.
  3. dblunn

    Medium Pressure Regulator - Leaking

    If it has a round end that pulls up into a conical fitting then no tape but if not, then tape (or sealant paste/liquid) is a must. Use the yellow gas tape.
  4. dblunn

    One good tap, one gushing tap

    Yep, you can work on them half full, just don't drop anything onto the beer.
  5. dblunn

    One good tap, one gushing tap

    Swap the lines over as suggested, perhaps there is a leaky seal at the top of the dip tube picking up gas?
  6. dblunn

    Great hydrometer find

    What is the calibration temperature on that hydrometer?
  7. dblunn

    What do I do with VERY old beer?

    Good hustle, lets wait and see.
  8. dblunn

    What do I do with VERY old beer?

    No! ....well, I don't think so
  9. dblunn

    What do I do with VERY old beer?

    How the hell was that discovered?
  10. dblunn

    What do I do with VERY old beer?

    Would it be bland enough to use as a base for fruit/spice beer?
  11. dblunn

    Mould in cubes

    Bleach will clean up the mould well also, just needs extra rinsing.
  12. dblunn


    Yes that socket would work. Bear in mind the cost of the SSR, heatsink and box need to be added to the total cost. As for the leads needed for Punkin's (Stilldragon) kit you can get a cheap extension lead and cut it up and use the ends as in/out tails.
  13. dblunn


    The SCR system will work very well but the problem with phase control (which is what this method is) is that it can cause issues for the electricity suppliers when it is applied to large loads. The method is used all the time on things like drills etc. The big question is how big can you go...
  14. dblunn

    Creamer (ISI) Gun carbonation?

    The whipped cream guns use N2 not CO2, don't know what the difference in bottle volumes and pressures would be but could be significant. You could try a plastic coke bottle and carb cap but using one of those little inflator guns with a valve
  15. dblunn

    keg meter

    I concur with Danscraftbeer, the only way to avoid the stresses you mention is to ensure you have a few more well conditioned kegs ready to go. Sadly however, this is not always possible.
  16. dblunn

    4 pines stout yeast

    Me too please, I love that beer also. Dave
  17. dblunn

    AG advice & stainless fermenter

    How fast did your yeast takeoff? I have experienced the same thing on the odd occasion when the yeast was slow in getting started. Dave
  18. dblunn

    Keg newbie questions- something went wrong...

    Who knows mate, my kegs always seem to run dry just as the beer is really tasting good. As for re-gassing, if you don't have any leaks then is is not required. Just reconnect the gas for serving so the pressure doesn't drop.
  19. dblunn

    No Whirflock

    Just close your eyes when you drink it. And get some more kettle finings
  20. dblunn

    What's the best keg set up for Real Ale (with out a beer engine)?

    I reckon they are just woosys who don't think they can finish a cask within a couple of days so they are looking at a CO2 vent thingy.