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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. davo4772

    What Filter Do I Buy?

    I bought the el cheapo and had nothing but grief, leaked and didn't seem to filter very well. 50 bucks down the drain. Have since bought the craftbrewer version which have not used as yet. lesson learned.
  2. davo4772

    Move From Biab To Mash Tun - Need Advice On Build

    I have recently hung the bag up and am now mashing and batch sparging in a 26L esky with a copper manifold. My only real reason for changing is that I wanted to learn how to do it and to see if it makes any real difference. My only regret is that that I find the 26L esky too small. Sure it fits...
  3. davo4772

    Yeast Starters (dry Packet Yeast)

    Just been listening to Brew Strong. Palmer rehydrates his in a glad bag so it can be given a shake. Will try this next time. When I sprinkle into a glass of warm water it takes ages for the yeast to absorb the water. If I stir too soon then the yeast sticks to the spoon. I want all the...
  4. davo4772

    Melb - For Sale: All Grain Set Up + Hop Rhizome

    :icon_offtopic: Hi, I have the 26l version of the same esky which as it turns out is a tad small. Anyway, my question is what is that bulkhead fitting you used. It looks very neat. I used a threaded nipple with nut and washer either side. Works fine but as I said yours is very neat. Cheers Dave
  5. davo4772

    Refilling Soda Stream Bottles With Dry Ice

    That looks foolish and dangerous, now where can I buy dry ice.
  6. davo4772

    Pitching Dry Yeast ?

    My understanding is that when rehydrating yeast you want the water to move into the cell membrane. Water does this much better than sugary wort. Something to do with osmotic pressure. I believe that is why salt water fish will die in fresh water.
  7. davo4772

    Melbourne/vic Grain Bulk Buy (august '11)

    Thanks for organising, good work.
  8. davo4772

    Alt Versus Koelsch

    I didn't notice that, was too shocked by the "Wave of toilet stall door thefts hits Brandenburg" article
  9. davo4772

    Someone Likes The Stc-1000

    Cat's are pretty cluey, He/she may work out how to turn up the heat. Edit- She
  10. davo4772

    Ahb Religion - Census 2011?

    Was going for Sith Lord this time round but on reflection No Religion is the go
  11. davo4772

    Brewmate Software With Added Biab Support!

    Hello all, Can't find water chemistry feature on version 1.22. Is it only a beta currently? Cheers
  12. davo4772

    Pressure Cookers

    I have this pressure cooker. The pressure setting is 1 or 2. Do these domestic types reach the required temp of 121 degrees ??. Unlike the pressure canners there is no way of estimating the pressure. Cheers
  13. davo4772

    Best Pub In London

    :icon_offtopic: I lived in London for 2 years in the 90's and drank nothing to my shame but BUL Stella and 1664. Now everytime I pay 10 bucks for a bottle of fullers I should slap myself.
  14. davo4772

    Melbourne/vic Grain Bulk Buy (august '11)

    1. Wolfy - 1x JW Pils, 1x JW Ale, 1x JW Wheat, 1x Wey Carafa Special II 2. LastDrinks - 1xJW Ale 3. Beerdrinkingbob 1 x Simpson MO (Half of Wolfy's Wheat) 4. HoppingMad - 2 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x JW Pils (Subject to pricing - no sign of $ on spreadsheet) 5. Darkman-2x JW Pils, 1x JW Vienna 6...
  15. davo4772

    Mmmmmm Bacon

    I bought a piece of belly pork. Problem is it has rib bones still insitu. Have I the wrong part of the belly, can the bones be cut out. Can't take it back of course so will forge ahead.
  16. davo4772

    Anyone In Melb Have Some Wyeast 1469-pc West Yorkshire?

    Sent them an email a while back. Hi David, It will reappear the last quarter of this year. Thanks, Candy Abercrombie Customer Service and Sales Representative Wyeast Laboratories, Inc. P.O. Box 146 Odell, OR 97044 USA Phone: 541-354-1335 Fax: 541-354-3449
  17. davo4772

    Looking For Advice On A Kegging Set-up

    I bought my CO2 bottle from here. I did a fair bit research and that was the best value by far I could find. Plus, with that bottle you can swap and go (or swap and stay to talk about brewing for an hour) at Greensbourough Homebrew just around the corner from you. 2.6kg is plenty of gas for the...
  18. davo4772

    Let's Freeze Some Yeast

    I froze 30mls of rinsed ESB 1968 yeastcake with around 12 mls of glycerine (40%) Just under 2 weeks ago. It remained in liquid form. Just pitched into an ESB after stepping up with 200ml, 1L, 1.5L. Starter fired up like any othe starter I have done. Was only at minus temperatures for 2 weeks...
  19. davo4772

    [vic] Grain Bulk Buy

    I have a new Monster mill which needs some grain to crush
  20. davo4772

    Bigger Sodastream Bottles At Big W

    The adapter I have came with 2 rubber washers insitu. Of the 2 soda stream bottle I have used, I had to remove one of the washers to make it connect.