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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    4 Continents, 25 Cities, 47 Venues 1 Dream! There is still time to join in but you need to be quick check out the cities which are already on board at and do it now dudes If you have already told us that you want to be involved but havent told us...
  2. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    Drunk Arab - you may laugh - but we do have plans for another crawl later in the year where we locate four pubs on opposite corners and just keep moving between them - you seem to have just taken it a stage further so is the tavern called the sandy point tavern perhaps
  3. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    more than happy to have you on board - just let us know where you will be drinking - both in terms of precise venue[s] and overall locality - we are missing both the NT and ACT so would love to have you get involved
  4. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    For those who came in late - we are trying to organise drinkerson every continent on earth to have a beer on the 28th of May - further details are at the website: - please check it out Ok friends - another update and we are about 6 weeks away from the...
  5. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    Greetings friends, associates and vetebrates all! A quick update on how things are progressing for the Great Intercontinental pub crawl - as ever more details can be found at: We now have at least 16 cities on 4 continents committed - hopefully...
  6. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    Well Kook [and i understand why you wish to look your best on your birthday] you can still crawl without the t-shirt - just let us know which pubs you are going to so that we can live vicariously through you you have to admit that Beer Circus in London sounds much more exciting than the...
  7. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    Yes - we have a number of skills - but we never pretended that web design was amongst them - in fact [if you can't tell lol] we rely entirely on the templates from the good people at geocities either way hope you feel inspired to get involved!
  8. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    Hi Everyone - in the hope of fostering a greater sense of world togetherness the Pyssedas gang are proud to announce "The Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005" - in short we hope to have people having a beer on every continent on earth [maybe we will stretch our wings further in 2006!] on the...
  9. P

    Beerfest 2005

    Forgive my memory on the precise category as i don't have the forms infront of me - but "speciality" or whichever phrase is most like that - being a judge in this category I expect would be an interesting task at the best of times
  10. P

    Mountain Goat Brewery Visit

    it is coming - but i don't know if that is a promise or a threat
  11. P

    Mountain Goat Brewery Visit

    Duke - sorry to hear you can't make it - suggest you drink the first 6 VBs quickly to dull the taste buds To assist those trying trying to recognise the Pyssedas gang i include this link to to photos of our last excursion which hopefully wont dissuade people too much from wanting to spend time...
  12. P

    Beerfest 2005

    Hi everyone - have to share my sadness with someone -following the news that the beer that the Pyssedas gang most wanted to enter "Big Black Bertha" [a Russian Imperial Stout" we only had left in stubbies - we tried to rebottle and regas some stubbies into long necks but they did not regas...
  13. P

    NRL And AFL Tipping Comp

    Are Fitzroy back in this year?
  14. P

    Beerfest 2005

    thanks muchly - better hop out to the shed to see what is there and acceptable for public consumption!
  15. P

    Beerfest 2005

    Hi Everyone - as a newish newbie who was thinking of entering a comp for the first time I was wondering if someone could direct me to the Vic Guidelines which my brews should adhere to? Thanks in anticipation
  16. P

    Emegency Capping Question

    Indeed it was my HBS owner who told me to do this - i stand corrected and hope that this did not mislead anyone's brews
  17. P

    Brewing Plans For The Year 05

    Doc - a beer sculpture? this sounds like a most noble venture - can't wait to see the results of it for me and the brew team - well first off some AGs which i am yet to attempt and my wife [for cleaning reasons] would be very nervous about if ever i am man enough to tell her about some fruit...
  18. P

    Mountain Goat Brewery Visit

    I'm sure a delegation from the Pyssedas Heavy Industrial group of brewers could be organised - they have a most impressive set of teeth and are often seen to drink in public - do we know how many people the good people of the land of goat like to have in their premises at any one time? May I...