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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2007

    Hi Everyone, Many of you will remember [or even more likely if you crawled you won't] from previous years the Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl. Well its my dubious duty to inform you that the crawl is once again on this year. As ever its a non-profit non-sensical event designed to bring...
  2. P

    Melbourne Beer Tasting Competition

    I was thinking of the Sunday afternoon of the Labor Day weekend for this fine event - does that suit/not suit people who were interested?
  3. P

    Melbourne Beer Tasting Competition

    You are right aobut the well intentioned thing, and I oft suffer the same thing myself, even just catching up with mates these days is hard enough - but i do like the idea of the elbow patches...
  4. P

    Melbourne Beer Tasting Competition

    Thanks for the responses guys - its good to know that i am roughly on the right track here You may be right in terms of the scale of the excerise, I was actually thinking of a sunday afternoon rather than an evening, and I had thought that I and a couple of others from the Pyssedas crew would...
  5. P

    Melbourne Beer Tasting Competition

    I'm considering organising a beer tasting competition, to give people an opportunity to show-off how precise thier tastebuds can be. In short there would be a blind tasting of approx 25 beers [5 in 5 rounds], and people would asked to identify which beers they were tasting. [I thought it would...
  6. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2006

    48 hours left to contribute to t-shirt design Brisbane Australia goes silly! 6 continents 13 countries 38 cities 119 venues Souvenir booklet contributions 48 hours left to contribute to t-shirt design: Thanks to everyone who has been encouraging their friends to join in the crawl it is...
  7. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2006

    I'm sure you could manage one - perhaps they brew a nice romantic beer in Bamberg - seems a pity to go there and not find out...
  8. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2006

    In your brief Monday Update: Antarctica joins the crawl Londons announce their crawls US & Australia tied for most cities on the crawl Antarctica joins the Crawl: Huzzah we finally have Antarctica on the crawl. After years of trying not one, but two bars in the Antarctic joined over the...
  9. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2006

    Hi Everyone and welcome to the delayed Friday Pub Crawl update, What with the Pyssedas supercomputer being offline a bit in the last week things have been a little quiet if you have been considering joining us for the crawl now is the time to do so! If you are already part of the crawl why...
  10. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2006

    Hi Everyone, A quick update on where we stand for the pub crawl - the Melbourne bowling/planning meeting has had a goodly number of RSVPs and will proceed at 3pm tomorrow - 4 Continents - 5 countries - 10 Cities - 2 Venues [strange i know] Africa Pretoria, South Africa [The Dros, Moreleta...
  11. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2006

    Hi Everyone - just a quick update on the Intercontinental Pub Crawl - we are not trying to cut across the AHB Sydney crawl - the more crawls the better we say... There are only 50 sleeps till the 2006 Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl! And that means that it's time to stop focussing all of your...
  12. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    ready, set...'s go time. tee shirts have been printed, pubs nominated, tours planned. all international crawlers who have requested tees - they're on their way team! we do hope that they arrive in time. if not, wear black and silver for the team on the day and in the new week, you...
  13. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    thank you to those from the board who are drinking on saturday - can you figure out what the time difference between you and melbourne australia is - if you can let us know the difference and when if we start drinking at midday on saturday the 28th we should contact you - i am happy to pay the...
  14. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    T-shirt designs are now closed - but that doesn't mean you can't register for the crawl - if you and your mates wish to be a part of the crawl let us know ASAP and we can add you to the site: We are now up to 6 continents - 16 countries - 41 cities - 90 venues [would love to make 100] - and...
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    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    have emailed them - it will hurt if the kiwis are more helpful than the aussies - but you take the help where you can get it i guess it is too dark in melbourne at the moment - have no idea how people survive the kinds of conditions they have down there
  16. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    excellent advice and thanks - don't suppose you have held on to any contacts there?
  17. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    24 hours to go! We have heaps more cities on board in the last few hours - but there is only 24 hours to go if you want to be on the t-shirt - please message us immediately: [email protected] if you want your area to be involved - or if you want to see the images of how the shirts will look...
  18. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    with the help of backlane brewery we have emailed them - but can't get a response - but anyone who has friends down there please help we are openly desperate for antarctic drinkers
  19. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    johnno - you are dead right - but we can't seem to get in contact with them - i have emailed mawson base [with the help of Backlane Brewery] but they haven't responded think we now have africa on board so it is only antartica we are missing - any help guys?
  20. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2005

    Now we are up to: 5 Continents, 28 Citites, 54 Venues We have 36 hours left, the proofs of the t-shirts are done - mail us at: [email protected] if you would like to see how they are coming up - people are welcome use the design to print etc their own shirts - or they can get them at...