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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J

    2006 Mash Paddle

    If not for the "infection" statement, i'd say a porter. Am intrigued.
  2. J

    Reverse Osmosis Unit Bulk Buy?

    They look like standard 10" filters, so getting the filters will be easy (see the link for the beer filter). I just can't bring myself to use something that wastes 70% of the water going into it, not with our current water restructions.
  3. J

    Why? Ag Or Partial Mash?

    I agree with Borret mostly. If you're going to do something, then do it to the max. I made a few kit brews to start with, but was never totally happy with the result. I made a few "nice" beers, but most were below par. Then i stumbled across this site, and heard all these people crapping on...
  4. J

    Beergun Stainless Bottle Filler

    Dunno what happened to the second half of my reply above, but a john guest fitting is a type of "push and that's it" fitting for tubing. You just push it in, and to get it out you need to push down on a flange. Hard to describe - check out their web page
  5. J

    Beergun Stainless Bottle Filler

    The connection kit on Northernbrewer has both liquid and gas disconnects.. couldn't you just put one on each post of a carbonated keg, and use the head pressure for purging and to pump the beer? Here's another idea. I already have one gas / liquid disconnect outside my fridge for gassing up...
  6. J

    Clean Ya Kegs!

    In the final days before moving out, i started to dismantle my beer fridge tonight. One of the jobs was to give all the lines a flush before i packed them, so i grabbed one of the 3 gal kegs to use as a washout keg. I went to take the lid off - strange, it's pressurised. I bleed the pressure...
  7. J

    Job At Little Creatures

    Probably bad, i don't think brewers get paid much, but hell, once i make my first $mill it's the kind of job i'd apply for.
  8. J

    Tiger Beer Recipe

    Tiger is just another typical flavourless lager imho, but tastes pretty bloody good on a nice 90% humidity 33C day in Singapore
  9. J

    Stupid Americans

    I reckon you could do the same test in Oz and get the same results. Stupid people are everywhere - they also tend to breed profusely.
  10. J

    March Pump Bulk Buy

    Just a quick note - while it won't matter when wiring the pump if active and neutral are reversed, do not take this and apply it to other circumstances.
  11. J

    Beergun Stainless Bottle Filler

    Is it too late to get one? If not, count me in.
  12. J

    Temperature Controllers

    anyone in brisbane got theirs yet?
  13. J

    Grain In Brisbane

    Really? Tony is normally quite fair in his pricing.
  14. J

    Advice About Fresh Worts

    I've done the ESB APA a few times, and you definately need more cascade if you want to approach the LCPA. My last one i hopped with 20g of cascade before fermenting with California Ale yeast, and a plug in secondary - i reckon I could have gone 2 plugs and more pellets in primary, which i will...
  15. J

    QLD AHB Xmas Case 2005

    I'll have to drop out guys. I haven't been brewing as the brewery has been packed up ready to move, and it probably won't be ready for another month. If at that time the cases haven't been sent, i'll brew something up that doesn't reqire lots of aging.
  16. J

    Temperature Controllers

    Don't think so, i haven't got one yet either.
  17. J

    Recipe Section Upgrade

    What recipes section? AFAIK the code for the new recipe databse is not yet finished, so there is nowhere to add them.
  18. J

    Asahi Super Yeast Draft

    I reckon that is fantastic! I pray for the day that the "marketing idea" takes on here, and all brewers return to 50 years ago and put yeast back in the bottle. I can just imagin the party conversations now "Have you tried this new Victoria Yeasty?? It's just go so much flavour, I never...
  19. J

    Little Creatures

    Yeah variety was a bad term, but i couldn't think of anything better than manufacturer, which i certainly hope doesn't apply to fresh hops.