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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J

    Don't You Hate It When

    Yeah i didn't have that choice unfort - the last one died. And i'm also low on disk (500GB just aint enough...) so i couldn't keep a complete copy - i had to juggle stuff around. It was only every recipe i ever made :-(
  2. J

    Don't You Hate It When

    Don;t you hate it when you are forced to rebuild your PC, you spend countless hours copying everything off it first, rebuild it, copy back what you need, nuke the rest then realise..... You forgot your recipes file!!!! Doh!
  3. J

    Stainless Conicals

    Well my thought would be for sampling and testing. Wouldn't it be a bit hard to take a gravity measurement through the dump valve without throwing away a litre or so of yeast trub every time?
  4. J

    Ross's New Bar

    Yeah :-( We're going away on the 2nd, coming back the 4th.
  5. J

    Ross's New Bar

    Bloody hell Ross, men all over the country are going to be getting in trouble just thinking about trying to match your bar.
  6. J

    Has Anyone Seen Kenny Gmk

    That's a long game of golf!
  7. J

    Chrissy Present
  8. J

    Chrissy Present

    Well, if my maths is right, 100kg/cm is equal to 7ft/lb or torque. At 75 RPM that's 0.1 HP. Although looking at it, that seems a bit low. It may be 0.1 HP before the gear box, which will multiply the torque massively.
  9. J

    12v Car Washer Pump How Much Juice

    I used to use one to transfer fuel to my rc plane. They pull a hell of a lot of amps - i think up to around 4.
  10. J

    Ross's New Bar

    Now i'm just spewing. First i miss the brew day because of a stupid holiday, now seeing those pictures is like rubbing salt in the wound :-(
  11. J

    Temp Controller

    I've amended my post to stop any confusion. It's actually for the XR10C Dixell controller.
  12. J

    Cleaning/restoring The Bbq Hotplate

    I don't actually clean my BBQ after each use. I just leave the thick layer of grease, then next time, heat it up, and throw some water on. It causes the oil to lift off, which is easily scraped off. Then just oil it, and it's spotless. The frame is another story though.
  13. J

    Temp Controller

    I did the following drawing to send someone else for how to wire up the XR10C . My drawing skills suck, but note that terminal 4 is the "hot" side of the relay. Doesn't matter which way you hook 7 & 8. The three circles represent the terminal block that i used - you could potentially join the...
  14. J

    Old Mash Paddle

    I'd just give it a good scrub in the sink, and soak in a very weak bleach solution overnight. Remember the boil will take care of any nasties, you just want to really remove any gunk.
  15. J

    I'm Embarrassed To Ask This!

    You squeeze the sides of the square bit, which compresses the clamp. The best thing to use is a pair of nail pliers. I've also used the cutting section of normal pliers before, but it's a real pain, compared to nail pliers that take about 1 sec to use. See my attached dodgy picture of the...
  16. J

    Compressor Replacement Costs

    Does anyone know any rough costs for replacing a compressor in a fridge? I've just been offered an 800L fridge for free with a dead compressor - if it's faily cheap i'll take it as i need another fridge.
  17. J

    Roos Vs U R Gay

    Back to soccer for a moment (don't START me on the state of union) i think the turn-around in the aussie soccer league in the last 12 months has been extraordinary. This is the first time i have seen Australia play cohesively as a team for an entire match. They have sometimes shown flashes of...
  18. J

    QLD AHB Xmas Case 2005

    I am now unable to attend :-( Seems the woman planned a suprise holiday away for us that weekend. It was a suprise all-round when i told her i was going to be busy that weekend...
  19. J

    How To Build A Pool

    Shame about the beer
  20. J

    Stainless Conicals

    Damn... where's those tissues?