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  1. Justin

    Diy Coolroom For Under $100 (failed)

    Agreed. I'm not convinced yet that the freezer will have the capacity to do it either, hence my suggestion of just getting a second fridge that you know will have the ability to do the task.
  2. Justin

    Diy Coolroom For Under $100 (failed)

    I still think a second fridge would have been far simpler and more effective. FWIW you dont need a digital Fridgemate controller either, there are cheaper options like a traditional mechanical thermostat. I used mine from Tobins for a long time, it was $40. And I have no doubts that you can find...
  3. Justin

    Thermowell In Hlt/urn

    Hi there. Depends on what sort of thermostat the urn has as to how reliable it is. Is it one where you can set the temperature (ie. the dial is marked in degrees) or is it a reostat (ie. dial marked 1 - 10)? If it is a genuine adjustable thermostat you could just fill it with water turn it on...
  4. Justin

    Bottle Bombs Need Help

    Seriously be really, REALLY careful with those bottles. Just handling them is very dangerous as there can be a trendous amount of pressure in those bottles and if it blows in your hand or face you could be in big trouble. When you handle them make sure you are well protected, at bare minium eye...
  5. Justin

    Kettle Conundrum

    I wouldnt buy either, but that's me. If I did my time again I'd either buy aluminum 50 or 60L pots, or spring for stainless pots in the same size. I currently use 50L SS vessels, but would choose pots if I started from scratch again. Mainly because of weight, ease of cleaning, looks and nice...
  6. Justin

    Rims, Herms, Single Step?

    He he, that system looks strangely familiar LOL B). By the way, its down in Tas not WA :D It's funny when you are randomly reading through a thread and then you see your own brewery pop up. Anyway, there is more info on it on the Brews and View forum here if anyone wanted to look more...
  7. Justin

    Pid + Timer ? How To Wire?

    Or hook up your pump (maybe on a seperate timer switch even, so it runs for 15min on/off cycles after the first hour of heating if you dont want it to run continuosly during heat up) to just recirculate back on itself in the HLT, drawing from the bottom, whirlpooling in from the top. If you are...
  8. Justin

    Pid + Timer ? How To Wire?

    You'd have to check the specific function of your PID controller and see if it has a memory for the temp setting. My Omron E5CS ones do, so I can just plug the controller power into the timer. Once the timer turns on the PID turns on with the last temp setting and away it goes. Set the temp on...
  9. Justin

    Vaseline As Beer Gun Lube?

    You can also go to any dive shop and get a little tub of the silicone grease they use to service dive gear. Food grade, not petroleum based and a tub lasts forever.
  10. Justin

    Submersible Element

    Yep, a hand held element is often what it's call. Or a Pail or Bucket heater. Essentially just an element with an extended handle. These are great for brewing, heat your HLT, bump up mash temps, boil in the kettle. I've seen them go for between $70 and $100 new. I know grain and grape have...
  11. Justin

    Herms Question

    You are certainly right Thirsty, I was making specific reference to my set up that utilizes a very small seperate heat exchanger that is independent of the HLT. In reality my setup functions more closely to a RIMS setup than a true herms, and probably takes advantage of the best points of both...
  12. Justin

    First All Grain!

    Hey mate, dont stress and no need to be embarrassed. We all started somewhere and with whatever gear we had. Honestly, the bucket thing works and it really should have worked for you too. If you have the mesh hose then yo dont need a false bottom. Maybe a couple of reasons it didn't work...
  13. Justin

    First All Grain!

    Sorry to hear things didn't go real smooth, but hey it's all a learning experience. I have a few questions. 1. What is your false bottom/screen set up and made out of? 2. Did you slowly start the flow (collecting 1-2L of cloudy run off) to set the grain bed and then slowly open the tap to a...
  14. Justin

    Project Simplicity

    One of the easiest ways to keep it simple and to keep costs down is to accept smaller batch sizes. Smaller sizes means you can buy smaller pots (which are a lot cheaper), use a smaller esky or insulated bucket, boil on the stove, chill in the pot sitting in a sink full of water with some ice...
  15. Justin

    Herms Question

    A longer hose may improve your set up IMO, but your current set shouldn't be too bad and it's not the source of your problem. It's more the sprinkling type that loses the most heat. Each droplet has a large surface area to volume ratio so sheds heat quite quickly. Your set up sounds ok though...
  16. Justin

    Herms Question

    Consider agitating your HLT. You would be quite surprised just how cold that water below your element will be. Where is your HLT thermometer? You also may have a temp gradient around your coil that is lower than your measured HLT temp, thus you think your HLT is one temperature but in reality...
  17. Justin

    Introducing Mates To Decent Beer

    I try not to come across as snobbish when it comes to beer, or have the mentality of trying to "change/educate" people but I used to try leading by example. Have a few different beers available so you could say 'wanna beer? What would you like? We've got a few options", or if going round for a...
  18. Justin

    Rims Input Needed

    On/Off control works fine, personally I measure temp just before the return manifold on the output of the heating chamber/exchanger. If your flow is reasonable I have found that grain bed temp is right there with output temp, if the probe was elsewhere in the system then i doubt they would be...
  19. Justin

    Sight Glass Tube

    1/2" and 3/8" Polycarbonate has been great for me. Remained clear, no fogging or cracking. It's good stuff. I dont use a sight glass on my kettle though, only my HLT (but that has boiled other stuff before ;) ). In my kettle I just use a dip stick which is simple and effective and doesn't...
  20. Justin

    Electric Hlt From An Esky?

    I'd recommend the hand held element suggested above (~$80) as the best, safest and easiest solution. They are brillant for this type of set up that is just evolving. It gives you a safe easy way to heat any of your vessels, no matter what they are (FWIW, I used mine in an esky mash tun for a...