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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Airgead

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Seriously dude, there was so much facial hair it was a fire hazard. One spark into a freshly oiled beard and foom. The whole place would have gone up. And it woudn't be a would be a 3.5% bitter. Just called Dave's Bitter.
  2. Airgead

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    So...I'm at a beer and cider show over the weekend.Here's how the evening went - Arrive. Start tasting. Nice IPA. Nice IPA. Nice IPA. Nice IPA. All I can taste are hops. These IPAs have become indistinguishable. "What have you got that's not an IPA? I need to get these hops off my palete...
  3. Airgead

    EU Referendum!

    As far as I can tell (from outside) a lot of the leave campaign has been based around anti imigration xenophobia. Its not ecconomic considerations driving the leave vote its xenopobia and rampant nationalism. I find this very worrying. Brexit, UKIP and that moron Farage, the rise of trump in...
  4. Airgead

    Smoking Meat...

    And a nice piece of hot smoked rainbow or ocean trout is to die for... Even the humble mackerel, coated in black pepper and hot smoked is fantasic. Hot smoked fish in general is awesome. But particularly salmon. Brined with juniper and fennel... Smoked over the pruning from my fruit trees...
  5. Airgead

    Smoking Meat...

    No way! My hot smoked whole salmon is the stuff of legends! Whole salmon brined and smoked is my Xmas party piece.
  6. Airgead

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    No socks seems to be a hipster thing these days. And of course no shoelaces is very gangsta. I can see a hipster gangsta trend of no socks and no shoelaces just round the corner.
  7. Airgead

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    A note to the young gentleman at the train station... Wearing your hipster flat cap backwards does not make you look both hipster and gangsta at the same time. It simply make you look like an idiot who doesn't know which way round his hat goes.
  8. Airgead

    What caused you to change your job

    I work as a management consultant. I'm not sure about that. In most large companies I tend to find its less Iike milk where the cream rises and more like a big septic tank where the biggest lumps of %&((* rise to the top... Because management is self selecting, what tends to happen is that the...
  9. Airgead

    What Is Your Main Manliness

    Ahhh.... But if you did things differently, you wouldn't know now what you know now...
  10. Airgead

    What Is Your Main Manliness

    That ^^^^ would have to be the most disturbing thing I have read on AHB for a long time...
  11. Airgead

    What Is Your Main Manliness

    Yep. Did you know that if you pick up a properly made greenwood chair and tap it with a hammer it will ring like a bell? The whole thing is held together under tension and all the components act like resonant bars.
  12. Airgead

    What Is Your Main Manliness

    I want to learn how to do greenwood chairs.
  13. Airgead

    What Is Your Main Manliness

    That's one heck of a verandah post... Nothing like pushing your equipment to its limits. Though I would recommend maybe a little pre-rounding with an adze first... And maybe bolting the lathe to the floor as well.
  14. Airgead

    What Is Your Main Manliness

    Phwoor! I found a couple of old spokeshaves when we cleaned out the MIL's garage when she moved into a retirement place. Must sharpen them up.
  15. Airgead

    What Is Your Main Manliness

    Indeed yes.
  16. Airgead

    What Is Your Main Manliness

    My setup is pretty simple. A good set of Japanese ceramic waterstones, a granite block for flattening the stones and one of those ludicrously expensive but oh so precise veritas sharpening jigs. Nothing beats using a really sharp chisel. Except maybe a really sharp hand plane... Watching those...
  17. Airgead

    What Is Your Main Manliness

    I build things. Out of wood. With power tools (ok and hand tools as well...but very very sharp hand tools). Next project is a bed made from jarrah.
  18. Airgead

    Silverside time

    Love a nice corned beef. Our butcher cures his own. Beautiful.
  19. Airgead

    Come on, we've all been there..

    One of our hosting clients sent us a set of steel cock rings once as a thank you (they run an online *ahem* adult products *ahem* boutique so it does kind of make sense). Never been game to try them... . For that exact reason. I'm not sure the thought of a burly fire-fighter cutting a steel...
  20. Airgead

    Horehound soft drink

    You're not a regular person. You are a researcher into the early food history of the country with a particular specialisation in beverages. Actually anyone can use the books at the library although if it is a rare book you may need to apply for access to the social collections. Guidelines are...