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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. doon

    KK Counter pressure cap

    Surely you can just let it settle a bit in fridge then recap with original lid?
  2. doon

    KK Counter pressure cap

    Would you lose too much co2 for a comp entry?
  3. doon

    PET Counter pressure filler - Craft Brewer

    Yeah I have one yet to set it up and use but looks simple enough
  4. doon

    PET Counter pressure filler - Craft Brewer Or you could buy one of these
  5. doon

    BJCP course?

    I would be judging as much as I could! No point in doing course then not judging
  6. doon

    BJCP course?

    Awesome to hear!
  7. doon

    GBW14 Home Brewer to Probrewer 2014 - WOW! Feral, Murray's, 7C

    Yeah grabbing a ticket now been procrastinating!
  8. doon

    Big W 19L Pot out of stock?

    There is **** loads at water gardens store. Just in a middle isle display heading towards pet area.
  9. doon

    Full Pint: Brew Supplies

    Stock not stick!
  10. doon

    Full Pint: Brew Supplies

    I'm guessing you guys will stick the pro series buckets when they are eventually brought out?
  11. doon

    new wireless brewing equipment, needs our support!

    They could have done a better video!
  12. doon

    BJCP course?

    Jeebus that structure PDF is a tad confusing
  13. doon

    Hop Dealz Australia

    Waiting for galaxy!!
  14. doon

    Blichmann Conical Fermenters. Anyone got one?

    Sweet was looking at these from the American site!
  15. doon

    Dicko's Dome for the Braumeister

    Nice boil! May just have to go down this route. I do find my boil off rates quite high if it's a windy day so this may help.
  16. doon

    new hop hog

    I bought a four pack on Sunday and it was bloody awesome!!