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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Bigbrew Day At Anthonymac's

    Yep, it really was a great day, with some really nice beers that the different guys brought along. Was good to get a brew in, and it's surprisingly entertaining getting a group of guys brewing at the same time. My Poor Richard's is cooling slowly in the laundry. Thanks again for your...
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    Temperature Controllers

    I've actually just sourced one from a fellow brewer who had one in excess, so I won't need to get involved in the bulk buy now. Thanks anyway, and thanks for the advice.
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    Temperature Controllers

    Thanks Dreamboat i have a mate who will be able to do that kind of stuff for me. Based on that I'd like to be included in the next bulk buy if it's not too much trouble / if another one goes ahead. I'd like one unit. Pay day is the 15th so hopefully it's not too much before then. If the bulk...
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    Temperature Controllers

    I'm really interested in getting one of these to control a coolroom I'm building but I'm a bit concerned about the load I will be powering. I'll be running an aircon, which I can't get any details on other than the part number (googling doesn't get me anything) - it's a reasonably large in wall...
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    The Boil

    I believe that the temperature of the boil is only one part of the process. Alpha acids will be isomerised from temperatures below boiling (mash hopping is one method and that's at mash temps around 65). The motion of a vigourous rolling boil helps break the oils out / down as well. So ...
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    Adelaide Meeting With Chris White (whitelabs)

    I'm in I'm guessing the main aim of the evening is to try and organise a bulk buy .... isn't it? :P :D
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    The "no Chiller" Method

    From the previously linked article at here
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    Users Of The "no Chiller Method"

    Well i love my brew days, but i have 2 kids under 4, a wife who works full time, and a new house which has a "to do list" as long as Darren's list of objections :P . My best chance for brewing is on a weeknight after work I'll be trying it for the time saving. Plus ... I've never really been...
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    The "no Chiller" Method

    I'm curious about the DMS thing, because everything that I've read says that you WILL get DMS doing this. I'm going to think out loud here and get to the point sometime ... please take this with a grain of salt I'm an expert in nothing. Commercial breweries can over oxygenate their worts...
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    Birthday Drinks

    Happy Birthday to BigD and Batz (and all those who had birthdays in recent times). No HB to be seen in the house at the moment, but there's a nice bottle of bombay saphire that could do with being a little bit lighter. Cheers Boots
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    eBay Items II

    Motor for grain mill (?) with gearing. Not sure how many HP is needed, but the variable gearing makes it seem a good pickup - sydney here
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    Adelaide Ahb Pub Crawl

    I'll post back a bit closer to the date whether i can make it or not. The queens head is a good little spot. It's been totally renovated in the last 4-5 years. Having lived at the rival Lincoln College (couldn't afford St Marks :P ) around 10 years ago, I can say that while it has been...
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    My Next Project

    Pistol I'm in the process of sourcing a chest freezer, and like you, was planning on making it multitask. I was thinking of something similar, but as stephen has already said, i was going to use computer case fans in the piping. I was also thinking of sheathing the main pipe work with a larger...
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    Snpa In Adl!

    Sorry to post on topic :P but I had the opportunity to try one of the SNPA's (cheers stu). I reckon for a beer that had been shipped around the world twice, left on the docks at 50 degrees for a week, then shipped across from perth on the back of a camel, it's a great beer. I was impressed...
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    2006 Bjcp Study Course/exam

    I'll put one hand down next to Stu's, and one hand up next to Aaron's ;) for an SA Group. Would be dependant on timing of course.
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    Sodium Percarbonate (pure) $4 Per Kg

    Have to apologise to the people who ordered on the Adelaide bulk buy. It's been a busy few months with medical dramas, and on top of that, we had to move our plans for buying a house forward to fit in with an operation for junior, so we're moving next week. If anyone still wants any, email me...
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    Birthday Drinks

    Cheers guys. I've been a bit awol lately, had some health problems with the little one (all will be fine after an op) and just bought a house as well, and was studying pre-christmas. On top of that, they've blocked AHB from work so my normal browsing habits have been kurbed. Spent my birthday...
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    SA AHB Xmas Case 2005

    I just wanted to let everyone know that I did make the donation for the Xmas charity case, but as yet haven't received any kind of receipt to post here and let you know I've done it. I've been enjoying most of the beers over the christmas period, and there have been some real standout beers...
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    Sodium Percarbonate (pure) $4 Per Kg

    Boilerboy, that would take us into a third sack. Maybe if you can drum up enough interest another bag can be bought. I can give you the details of the guy I get it from if you want Which leads me onto ... I have one sack at home at the moment, with the second waiting to be picked up from Jatek...
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    Sodium Percarbonate (pure) $4 Per Kg

    oops I'd left Roach off the list, waiting confirmation, but I think he wanted 2 -5 so that would fill up the two bags Sorry Ken that would fill the order up. Did you reply previously as well and I missed it?