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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. shonky

    Wiring A Computer Fan

    Hi Batz. Is that the fan that I sent you? If so it was defintately working when I sent it, I tested it using a mobile phone charger. Cheers Jon
  2. shonky

    Mouldy 15l Containers

    Umm realise you don't want to scrub plastic with anything abrasive but I doubt that swooshing some sand with caustic would scratch the plastic. (any more than using a bottle brush or some such would do?) Shonky
  3. shonky

    Mouldy 15l Containers

    I have heard (but not tried) that throwing some fine sand in with the caustic or whatever solution and then swooshing it all around is an effective way of getting rid of those stubborn stains. :-) Oh dear I've been watching too much channel 9 over the summer.
  4. shonky

    The Official Sydney 2007 Ahb Pub Crawl

    Barra, 14th April starting at the sackville, Balmain not sure of the time Cheers Shonky
  5. shonky

    Sydney 2007 Bjcp "course"

    Hi Crozdog I was trying to organise one of these last year so might have some info to help. In the end my wedding and honeymoon got in the way! I know, I haven't got my priorities right! Anyway I don't think I am going to be able to fit this in now as I'm about to start the Ballarat Uni...
  6. shonky

    12v Computer Fan Wanted

    Hi Batz I can get you one. PM me with your address details and I'll send it to you. Cheers Shonky
  7. shonky

    Nsw Xmas Case 2006 - Consumption

    Hi Barramundi, thanks for the feedback. As posted earlier at least some of my bottles have gone way south, may have been some kind of infection when bottling. It took around 4 hrs to bottle as this beer was gassed in the keg and then bottled - fine if you are doing one or two to take out to...
  8. shonky

    Sydney People Lock Up Your Beer.

    Sorry Jayse. Not going to be able to make it tonight or tomorrow I'm afraid. Let us know your plans for early next week when you're back from Canberra - Monday or Tuesday night I should be around if you're still standing by then! Cheers Shonky
  9. shonky

    Iodophor Pitfalls

    Tony, try Gerard from ND brewing. No affiliations etc. (how about a discount Gerard?!) :P
  10. shonky

    Sydney People Lock Up Your Beer.

    Pretty sure Matt Donelan has January off in terms of Real Ales at the Nags Head. Personally dont reckon it 's a visit without the beers as the attraction. I'm going to try and catch up in the Rocks next week Jayse. Owe you a beer for your "intro to AG brewing guide", invaluable help in the...
  11. shonky

    Nsw Xmas Case 2006 - Consumption

    That's a relief! But weird! I'm thinking now that my case may have got a bit cooked in Gerards flashy new ute while he was busy making deliveries. Hope that hasn't spoiled any of the others. Will post my reviews as they get drunk in Jan. Phew.... Shonky
  12. shonky

    Nsw Xmas Case 2006 - Consumption

    Happy New Year to all fellow brewers. I'm very distressed to report that my entry to the case seems to have become infected. As reported earlier I didn't have any to try as I only managed to 'squeeze the 28 bottles out. I had 3 or 4 bottles returned (thanks Gerrard) due to drop outs...
  13. shonky

    Nsw Xmas Case 2006 - Consumption

    Can't believe I mentioned the cricket and my beer in the same sentence. Not fun being an ardent pommie cricket fan in Sydney today. Thinking of changing my description to "good for sipping in the garden on a summers afternoon". Well done Aussie cricket fans, you kicked arse - bring on The...
  14. shonky

    Nsw Xmas Case 2006 - Consumption

    Been away for several weeks so apologies for the lack of posts! ...Bottled it pre-gassed the night before Gerard picked it up and had a 'mare with excess foam in the neck!! Scraped in with the 28 bottles so will have no chance to sample my wares until the case arrives. This beer does not fit...
  15. shonky

    2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

    I'd love to be included. (my first case entry, just missed out on the last one in July) Cheers Shonky
  16. shonky

    Why's Your Brewery Named What It Is?

    I brew with my mate Sean (prawnstar). Our brewery is called Backpack Ball and Chain Brewery. I'm a pom and came on the backpackers visa (or should that be ex-pom) and his ancestry apparently goes back to the convict fleet. The name is a reference to one of those mischievous Barmy Army chants -...
  17. shonky

    Aeration Of Wort

    You wouldn't want to be distracted mid-count. Four hundred and fifty five thousand four hundred and sixty five, four hundred and fifty five thousand four hundred and sixty Ohhh crap. One, two
  18. shonky

    Bucks W/end: Looking For A Brewpub <2 Hours From Sydney

    Preferably restrict all suggesstions to towns that: a) don't have any knocking shops B) no hairdressers open after 5pm c) no train lines (on the brisbane or Melbourne route at least) Cheers Jon
  19. shonky

    Braidwood Ales At The Riverview Hotel

    I agree with Richard Here were my impressions Hoping to be there too. The lack of fizz is a difficult thing to get over if you're not used to it. I dragged a couple of work colleagues there and they said the same thing Pumpy. All I can say is drink a few more pints and you might get to...
  20. shonky

    Fridge Temp Control

    Another idea is to put your temp probe into a bottle of water inside your fridge. This removes any risk of infection but still provides a buffer for micro changes to temps inside the fridge. I know other people have objected to this idea as the fermentor can generate quite a bit of internal...