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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. shonky

    Beer Better For Brain Than Wine

    Just spotted this in The Australian. Must say, my hippocampus felt pretty small on Saturday morning :huh:
  2. shonky

    Mashed At 57 Deg.

    Good news Rough. Jsut for my own info, did you raise the temp at mash out? If not then it seems to indicate that the gelatinisation temp of your grain is lower than the text books say (mainly European ones that I have read). What was your grain bill as a matter of interest? Cheers and hope...
  3. shonky

    Mashed At 57 Deg.

    Unless you increased you temperature at mashout I suspect your efficiencies will be really low as you wont have reached gelatinisation temp (about 65c). This is the temp that the starch granules of malted barley burst, exposing the starch to the enzymes. Hope I am wrong!
  4. shonky

    RecipeDB - Shonky's Honey IPA

    <div class='ipsBox clear vcard' id='recipe_card'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed ipsLayout ipsLayout_withleft ipsLayout_smallleft clearfix'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs ipsLayout_left' id='recipe_tabs'> <p class='short photo_holder'> <img...
  5. shonky

    Do I Need A Flooded Font

    Makes sense Bonj but not a problem in my setup, no excess foaming and as mentioned the beer lines are typically not long in a chest freezer setup. In my experience the beer will very quickly equalise any temp and pressure differences in the lines, then again I don't have a collar which may make...
  6. shonky

    Do I Need A Flooded Font

    You don't 'need' to flood your font. I have a 3 tap floodable font on my chest freezer outside and I haven't flooded it, nor have I put a fan in my freezer. Sure on really hot days you get a bit of a spray, I just pour that and the first mouthful on the plants and then good to go! That only...
  7. shonky

    Sunday 20th Jan @ The Nags

    I'll be there, look forward to it. Cheers Jon
  8. shonky

    Hop Oxidation Wanted?

    There's some really good info on hop ageing in Ray Daniels Designing Great Beers including some tables on research which show the levels of different breakdown products in both fresh and aged hops. The gist of the section is that there is substantial (but incomplete with much more research...
  9. shonky

    Nelson Sauvin

    Have to disagree Matti. Now I know this beer isn't to everyone's tastes (I absolutely LOVE it, my favourite Aussie brewed beer) but I think it is a good thing that beer can be pulled in many different directions. I believe it can only be a positive thing for the boundaries of beer to be...
  10. shonky

    Beersmith Vs Promash

    I'm a promasher, but only because this was the first one that I used. One tip, if you want to open more than one recipe or session just run another copy of the program, I have had at least 3 going on my 95 laptop (only used on brew day) with no dramas. Happy brewing BTW (just read PP's post)...
  11. shonky

    Ph 5.2 Question

    Another thing to bear in mind with pH readings is whether you take your reading at mash temp or at room temp. Hydrogen ions disassociate more at a higher temperature, giving a lower pH than at room temp. From memory, and I don't have my text book in front of me, there is normally a difference...
  12. shonky

    The Worst Commercial Beer!

    Have to agree with bugwan here, have drunk a few scharers over the years and quite like it then about 18mths ago in one of my locals (The Boundary Hotel, in Redfern) had the most disgusting slop ever served up. You couldn't even call it beer, it was this infected pond juice - cloudy, vinegary...
  13. shonky

    Bottling Dilemma

    G'day Joe, I reckon you'll be fine, probably just some CO2 coming out of solution rather than fermentation. You may see a drop of one or two degrees in FG with the added yeast but I would be surprised if you have bombs - at your SG there will be quite alot of alcohol there that 'should'...
  14. shonky

    Mountain Goat Goodies At The Wheatsheaf!

    kind of stating the obvious :unsure:
  15. shonky

    Nsw Xmas In July Case 2007 - Consumption

    Just having #1, Thommo's Blonde. Half way through the second glass and really enjoying it. Beautifully clear and bright. Fluffy head that stays the full glass. Soft, sweet maltiness and subdued but fresh hop flavours. Full bodied but still refreshing. Top drop Thommo, will be sad to get to...
  16. shonky

    Rochefort 10

    Nice link Doc! Had a Rochefort 8 last week (for the second time). My new favourite beer, what a delicious drop it is. The first one was a birthday present from bakkerman, I hope he doesn't mind me quoting him, as he handed it over he said something along the lines of "the best thing that the...
  17. shonky

    Is $80 A Good Price For Stainless 50litre Stock Pot?

    You cant seem to get new urns over 30lt that run off 10amp plugs anymore, but you can pick up old ones at auction rooms etc. I scored a 55lt electric urn at the mitchell road auction rooms in Alexandria for $65 a couple of years back, hasn't missed a beat :) . I pop in there occasionally and see...
  18. shonky

    Stir Plate

    I used blu-tak on mine which worked quite well as the magnets were sort of pulled into position naturally when spun. Been running for 18mths and hasn't missed a beat. One thing to watch Keifer is a bit of spillage. In case you get a lively yeast that overspills your flask you might want to...
  19. shonky

    Nsw Xmas In July Case 2007 - Consumption

    Thanks for all the feedback on my beer, good and bad. It was a bit of an experimental so thanks for being guinea pigs :beerbang: . I have posted the recipe on the forum Thommo glad you liked it. Ditto Punter. Sorry DK that you didn't enjoy it, hope I didn't screw up the sanitation in the...
  20. shonky

    Nsw Xmas In July Case 2007 - Consumption

    G'day Trent, good detective work on my IPA. You are correct on a number of points, there is indeed some honey in the recipe - 600gms in a 40lt batch at 15mins, beer was primed with normal sugar. It did also ferment a little high, I used a cultured coopers PA yeast which is known for its funky...