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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. shonky

    Best "second" Brewing Book

    Hi Chris, I would avoid the Kunze book for now - it is extremely detailed but more from a commercial brewing perspective - lots and lots of details on things like fermenter geometry, types of filters and kettles etc. It does have some extensive scientific information that might be useful but...
  2. shonky

    Isb Xmas Drinks

    16th is grand for me. Bring it on :)
  3. shonky

    Isb Xmas Drinks

    Back to work after looking after the baby for the last 6 months on the 8th Dec, so better keep my head down a bit for the first week. How about say the w/b 15th?
  4. shonky

    Isb Xmas Drinks

    I am keen :beer: can't believe we are at that time of the year again :blink:
  5. shonky

    Vicbrew '08 Results

    Hi acetone is the nail varnish smell - it indicates higher or 'hot' alcohols are present. It can be caused by too high fermetation temps (obviously not in your case). Perhaps it could have been caused by yeast stress :unsure: perhaps rehydrate next time. What temp did you pitch the yeast at...
  6. shonky

    Deliberately Mashing Above 70c

    I tried an experimental beer that a couple of under grads had developed at Ballarat Uni last year as part of their course that was based exactly on this theory. It was 2.5% ish and from memory they mashed at 73c - it was a delicious drop and you NEVER would have guessed that the alcohol was...
  7. shonky

    600l Brewery Gear For Sale

    :icon_offtopic: I agree to a point however at the time when CAMRA was really getting momentum up in the 80's there were hardly any microbreweries in the UK to protect. The industry was basically 6 big players that controlled about half the beer serverd and the vast majority of the rest of the...
  8. shonky

    600l Brewery Gear For Sale

    FWIW I asked Geoff Scharer (founder of the George at Picton of the TV show fame and former owner of the Australian in the Rocks, Sydney) the same question a couple of years ago and he was of the opinion that the minimum brew length to make a go of it would be about 20HL. I know there are plenty...
  9. shonky

    Who's In The Inner West?

    I am in Alexandria, you are welcome to mill at my place. PM me if you want more details. Cheers Jon
  10. shonky

    Real Ale At The Nag's Head, Glebe, Nsw This Friday

    Hi wrighty. No, I WISH! Matt Donelan, the brewer at St Peter's, is a mate of mine and as he is always to be found cleaning out his lauter tun or dreaming up new recipes in the brewery and not at a computer keyboard hence I volunteered to post the beers he has on offer each month. I am...
  11. shonky

    Real Ale At The Nag's Head, Glebe, Nsw This Friday

    bump for evening crowd
  12. shonky

    Real Ale At The Nag's Head, Glebe, Nsw This Friday

    Afternoon beer lovers. Come and warm your cockles at the Nag's Head this Friday and sample some of Sydney's freshest microbrewed beer at what has become a Sydndey institution and an essential diary date for all beer lovers. This month on tap St Peter's Brewery present: Winter Warmer - Spiced...
  13. shonky

    Longer Mash Time = Higher Efficiency?

    Hi, According to Briggs ( Brewing: Science and Practice) longer mash times will increase extract, allbeit not by much. Maybe more significant, from his figures is the effect on FAN levels whereby more nitrogen (=good for yeast health) is extracted from a longer mash and also increases in...
  14. shonky

    Volume Of Brew Setup

    I do 40lt batches - 55lt HTL, 36lt Mash Tun and 55lt kettle. This works well for me. I honestly can't understand the guys that normally do say 40lt batches but when they are doing experimental ones only do, say 22. It takes the same amount of time and only a few dollars etc (no extra yeast if...
  15. shonky

    Sugar In Belgians

    Re: adding sucrose to the primary or secondary, I am currently studying yeast (Ballarat brewing course) and been reading about the inhibition of maltose up-take caused by high levels of sucrose. My understanding of this mechanism is that high levels of glucose (sucrose is converted to glucose...
  16. shonky

    Mash Temperature - Effects & Control

    When stirring it is important not to do it too vigorously (ie try not to create a vortex as you are stirring), this promotes the formation of Beta-glucans that can cause your mash to stick and also cause other staling problems down the track. Also try and minimise oxygenation of the mash as this...
  17. shonky

    Liquid Yeast In Sydney

    Check out No affliations etc. There was a thread regarding pre-ordering this yeast a little while ago you can see - Here Cheers
  18. shonky

    Inter-"national Homebrew Day (big Brew) May 3, 2008"

    Great day Crozdog. Many thanks to the Crozdog household for putting up with the hordes of beer lovers descending on them for the day. Cheers to you and Stuster for doing the hard yards. Great to catch up with the rest of the gang Shonky
  19. shonky

    Help. My Ag Has Stopped At 1030

    I tend to disagree with this, unless the mash temp was in the high 70's I don't believe you would end up with a beer finishing this high. Mashing at say 69-70 may result in a higher dextrin wort perhaps finishing at 1018-20 ish, but 1030! I suppose its possible that the thermometer is that far...