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  1. G

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    Hey I was up front this year, and just asked for an extra bottle, no need for sneaky tricks this year. I wonder how Corelion is these days?
  2. G

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    That one isnt blow up, so it can stay.
  3. G

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    I think it will either be the weekend of the 12th Dec or the weekend of 19 Dec, it will probably be Saturday which gives me Sunday to clean up the mess, we usually start mid afternoon, and everyone has to be there at the start or the swap doesnt work, cooking style not yet decided, but I will...
  4. G

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    Sorry NME, if we make it more than 25 people then some participants struggle to get it out of a single batch. But come along anyway, I will include you on the list when I send my address out. CASE IS CLOSED - WITH THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS EVER - HOORAY! Cheers
  5. G

    New Taps

    I particularly enjoyed the one third from wait, fourth from left, no hang on...its all a bit of a blur, but I seem to recall they were all pretty good. Edit: Rob you could have removed the stubby behind my beer engine before clicking!
  6. G

    Hello Forum Moderator, Anyone There?

    The chinese hop thread is being organised by Townsville, and if he has a problem with the debate in his thread all the extra posts can and will be moved or deleted, but since he is engaging in the debate, I guess that is just the way he wants to manage his bulk buy, which is of course his, and...
  7. G

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    A bump for the morning traffic. Two places left.. Untested is fine as long as you are sure you are producing something your case chums will appreciate.
  8. G

    What Keg Type Do I Have?

    OK, someone has already converted those kegs from the original posts, to standard cornelius posts, using the male to male threaded bit on the bottom of the post, which I think is called a Taylor Plug?? So the actual top bit of the post and the poppets should be the bog standard most common ones...
  9. G

    Hop Toxicity To Dogs

    Hops are bitter, and dogs are unlikely to eat them. If you dig down to the actual reported cases, they are all cases where spent hops from the kettle have been dumped with wort, and it is the sweet wort the dogs want to eat, and get a dose of hops with it. That said, I fence my hops off.
  10. G

    What Keg Type Do I Have?

    Dont be in a hurry to buy replacement bits which are expensive, except for the plastic washers which you can get cheap from Andale. They are solidly built and can be cleaned up and put back together. The main issue will be if you can get the poppets out. Probably they dont sit free but are...
  11. G

    Beware The Blue Cube seems to me the information of use to the brewing community in this thread is A brewer in Perth has noted a plastic taste he believes is associated with a jerry can and suggests people should be aware of this. Some regular users of similar containers note they dont have this problem...
  12. G

    Racking Canes

    You need the final fluid level in the vessel being emptied, to be higher than the final fluid level in the vessel being filled. Its a syphon, not a pump. So, unless I have misunderstood, you might as well use the tap?
  13. G

    Keg Setup Without Drilling Holes?

    Not only can you run a system with a picnic tap or pluto gun inside the fridge, but it gives the best pour, the tap stays nice and cold compared to one outside the fridge.
  14. G

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    Thanks Rob. You have to remember Tony is in the Eastern Block, and they are about 10 posts behind over there.
  15. G

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    Its very hard to police the conversation between a professional brewer and a home brewer when they are cuddling in your back yard.
  16. G

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    Conversations get somewhat loose at the swap, especially by midnight. Although my position on blow up sheep jokes remains unaltered. But you wait till I set the rules and start moderating the tasting thread! Then you really have to be on your toes! 15 takers, so its one bottle each, not two...
  17. G

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    Wouldnt be the same without you Dave!
  18. G

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    Multimedia labels in 2008, the most complicated so far.
  19. G

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    At the 2005 swap, one bloke was sticking his labels on as we were doing the crates, but I am sure he will be much more organised in 2009 as he now has a wife to do that sort of thing.