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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. 3GumsBrewing

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    Yep total heaven! Really is a top drop. I have another one in the carboy at the moment with a few tweaks. By the way BP, what BJCP category would the JAO fit into? I was thinking the 26C. Open Category Mead because it "combines ingredients from two or more of the other mead sub-categories"...
  2. 3GumsBrewing

    Marga Mill - Wtb In Syd

    Thought i'd add to this post! Has anyone in Syd got a mill they want to sell or get rid of? Or anyone want to go halves in the postage for a Monster Mill from the US? Cheers DK :super:
  3. 3GumsBrewing

    Grain Bulk Buy Sydney

    I'd be interested in a couple of bags.
  4. 3GumsBrewing

    Rubbermaid/gatorade Biab Mod

    Noticed that Bunnings had heaps of 7gal rubbermaid coolers for $99 today. (Bankstown) I was after one of these for ages! Cheers DK
  5. 3GumsBrewing

    Castle Hill Show Brewing Competition 2009

    Probably a stupid question, if entering a mead do you really have to supply a minimum of 500ml? Cheers DK
  6. 3GumsBrewing

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    Bottled my first JAO yesterday, I found a cache of 5 clear port bottles that all had less than 50ml in each, drank all that, cleaned the bottles and the in went the mead. Only then did I allow a taste and .... bloody hell it is the gods nectar. Very very tasty and sweet, I am really pleased how...
  7. 3GumsBrewing

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    Quick question - what do you guys bottle the JAO in? Mine mead is nice and clear, all the fruit has dropped to the bottom thought i might bottle it this weekend. Not to sure 750ml or Grolsch bottles really suit. Thought I might have a few 330ml lying around but they are screw tops, never had...
  8. 3GumsBrewing

    Gardening Help

    Great tips guys, I will check them out this weekend. Wish me luck getting the palms out! DK
  9. 3GumsBrewing

    Nsw Special Case Swap

    That reminds me, I have to withdraw from this one. Monkeybusiness you are first reserve. Good luck fellas. DK
  10. 3GumsBrewing

    Gardening Help

    Hi guys, Since i am on this forum every day thought i'd start here first. I have a backyard with horrible neddle palms (those fu#king palm trees with 4 inch long needles protuding from it). I have organised a chainsaw for next weekend so they are all going, in all about 6 of the bastards...
  11. 3GumsBrewing


    As a massive fan of the British curry variations I was always on the lookout for recipes. I stumbled upon this a few months ago, and when they say the Holy Grail they mean it! Pretty simple to follow, makes heaps and stores well. Our favourites are Veg Korma for SWMBO and Chicken Vindaloo for...
  12. 3GumsBrewing

    Whats In The Glass

    My first attempt at a Weizenbock. Probably a bit light in colour but I quite like it, although a few schooners knocked me on my arse. :party: Dodgy iPhone pic - DK
  13. 3GumsBrewing

    Tooheys Red Recipe?

    Duuuuuude...... really? How about a Bitter - Linky or a Mild - Linky Thirst quenching. Great session beers. Easy as grain bills. DK
  14. 3GumsBrewing

    Tooheys Red Recipe?

    +1 The cost always used to surprise me when looking at the price boards in the coolrooms, so cheap, yet so so horrid.
  15. 3GumsBrewing


    +1 Had one the other night at the Belgian Beer Cafe and it is pretty similar to Duvel.
  16. 3GumsBrewing

    Tooheys Red Recipe?

    Ha Ha :ph34r: I used my Googlefu and came up with this - Red Recipe . Third one across. (looks horrible!) DK
  17. 3GumsBrewing

    Starting Wyeast

    Hi GTS350, 1. The ferment fridge (actually a chest freezer with a FridgeMate) is set to 19 deg. 2. My sample jars are 70ml, when brewing a new beer i just take one out and build a 2L starter out of it. Its a great way to store yeast (they stack well, you can write legibly on them) and it means...
  18. 3GumsBrewing

    For Sale - Andale Twin Font

    :o I should have put "any serious offer will be considered" !!
  19. 3GumsBrewing

    For Sale - Andale Twin Font

    Hi All, Up for sale is a good condition Andale twin beer font . It needs a good polish, a new cap and possibly a spare snap-lock fitting. I actualy sold this on eBay a couple of weeks ago, the guy who bought it thought it was all to hard to get up and running so I have it up for sale again...
  20. 3GumsBrewing

    A Guide To All-grain Brewing In A Bag

    Dudes, top top work. :super: Will test out with 40L Crown urn this weekend. I will adjust the kettle trub and buffer down to 3ish though. Above 4 seems like lots! DK