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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. 3GumsBrewing

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Mine - Grolsch bottles Also mine - Chest freezer DK. :D
  2. 3GumsBrewing

    Christmas Lotto 2010

    1. 2. DK 3. 4. 5. Charst 6. Petesbrew 7. Manticle (can I be lucky twice in a row? I doubt it) 8. JestersDarts 9. 10. QldKev 11. Arghonaut 12. Rooting Kings 13. barls 14. Gulpa 15. ekul Lucky i bottle so i can be in this awesome competition :0 16. 17.Housecat 18.Stuchambers 19. Siborg 20. 21...
  3. 3GumsBrewing

    Bitter & Twisted Competition

    Thanks for that But really after the full ones.. Now I know I did not win!! :D :D Cheers
  4. 3GumsBrewing

    Bitter & Twisted Competition

    Did I miss the results of the comp? Anyone point me the right direction.
  5. 3GumsBrewing

    Aging Barleywine - Temp

    Thanks for the reply guys, I reckon I will put them in the cooler box with a couple of frozen bottles, I only did a half batch so it is 2 5L demijohns, want to age them for a good 6-9 months. It smells great already. Wombles your suggestion was a rippa, but my labrador and 3 yo daughter would...
  6. 3GumsBrewing

    Aging Barleywine - Temp

    I have a American barleywine nearly finished in primary, I am going to split it into two batches, one on French oak chips the other with nothing. The question is what temp should I age these beers at? It's bloody hot here at the moment, will that matter if I leave the carboys in the cupboard? Or...
  7. 3GumsBrewing

    Power Bill

    2 adults, 1 kid - Sydney 2 fridge/freezers 1 fermenting fridge R/C air con.(hardly ever on) Fans in each room GU10 light fittings everywhere. 2 laptops. $350 / quarter I think the thing that keeps the cost down for us is the solar hot water, never been in a house without it.
  8. 3GumsBrewing

    Australian Amateur Brewing Championship

    :ph34r: I'll admit I did actual go looking for the Twitter feed for both aabc and anhc........ Damn 2010, damn it to hell with it's twitters and facebooks.
  9. 3GumsBrewing

    Nsw Xmas Case Swap.

    1. barls 2. Josh - Pigface Kolsch 3. nifty 4. Muggus - Something diabolical! 5. Seanohio 6. grantw 7. gruntus 8. Pollux 9. Redb 10. jonw - something explosive. 11.Thommo 12. Sydneyhappyhour 13. Monkeybusiness 14. Unrealeous 15. Fatzgodzilla 16. Syd_03 17. Gulpa 18. Smiley 19. Retsamhsam 20...
  10. 3GumsBrewing

    RecipeDB - DK's Black IPA

    It had huge citra flavour the first couple of weeks, then all of a sudden it dropped heaps in the third week, the bottled beer faired much better than the kegged though.( although the keg lasted only 4 weeks!!) Cheers DK
  11. 3GumsBrewing

    Nsw State And Castle Hill Comp 2010

    You beat me to it! Here it is - DK's Black IPA
  12. 3GumsBrewing

    RecipeDB - DK's Black IPA

    <div class='ipsBox clear vcard' id='recipe_card'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed ipsLayout ipsLayout_withleft ipsLayout_smallleft clearfix'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs ipsLayout_left' id='recipe_tabs'> <p class='short photo_holder'> <img...
  13. 3GumsBrewing

    Nsw State And Castle Hill Comp 2010

    Having the Kolsch now. Brilliant! DK
  14. 3GumsBrewing

    Nsw State And Castle Hill Comp 2010

    Can you put me down for a 1st in a category every year. The prize from Keith at the Hunter Beer Co was bloody amazing! Thanks again to everyone involved. DK
  15. 3GumsBrewing

    Nsw Xmas Case Swap.

    Have not been in one for a few years, so must make a fruit beer right....? :rolleyes: :icon_chickcheers: :icon_chickcheers: 1. barls 2. Josh - Pigface Kolsch 3. nifty 4. Muggus - Something diabolical! 5. Seanohio 6. grantw 7. gruntus 8. Pollux 9. Redb 10. jonw - something explosive...
  16. 3GumsBrewing

    Nsw State And Castle Hill Comp 2010

    I think someone is telling me to stick to specialty beers, 3rd last year and 1st this year. Thanks to Stu and everyone involved. It was good to meet some of you on Saturday, (I was the doofus steward in the Tahs jersey.) Cheers DK
  17. 3GumsBrewing

    Nsw State And Castle Hill Comp 2010

    No probs! I can still be there to help on the day. Cheers DK
  18. 3GumsBrewing

    Nsw State And Castle Hill Comp 2010

    Sorry if I am being dense, but when filling out the bottle description labels the category and style order is reversed from the entry form? On the entry form, cat no. comes first then style. E.g cat no. 3, style 2 for German pilsner. But on the bottle description labels - style comes first...
  19. 3GumsBrewing

    Nsw State And Castle Hill Comp 2010

    Quick question - Black IPA , enter under cat 18.7 ?? Cheers DK
  20. 3GumsBrewing

    Nsw State Competition 2010

    Let's hope so. I was boyed by my second placed mead in last years castle hill comp that I have gone a little mead mad in the last 10 months. Stuster, put me down for stewarding if you need hands. DK