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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. 3GumsBrewing

    Best Sugar For Priming.

    Damn, I usualy use DME using this calc - Linky but yeah it all works out in the end (sorta, get kegging!!)
  2. 3GumsBrewing

    Best Hbs In Area?

    ESB @ Peakhurst is only up the M5, its the one I use all the time. No idea about futher south though. Cheers DK
  3. 3GumsBrewing

    2009 Nsw Xmas In July Case Swap

    I'm in. :icon_drunk: No stouts or beers that need months to age this time, I promise. DK
  4. 3GumsBrewing

    Lcpa Recipe

    One word - Skunkfart DK
  5. 3GumsBrewing

    California Common Aka Steam Beer

    Try this one. I brew this all the time and it has never failed to please! ^_^ Linky Let us know what you end up using. DK
  6. 3GumsBrewing

    More Ahb Merch.. If Ya Want...

    What Google Doc? Oh wait, the one in the middle of the 2nd page? Maybe if it was on the first post or the last post - AHB Google Doc it would be easier... :D Cocko: 2x T shirts. 1x Hoody Pokolbinguy: 2x T shirts. 1x Hoody BeerFingers: 1x T-Shirt. 1x Hoody (depending on final design) Clean...
  7. 3GumsBrewing

    March Pump Bulk Buy

    1. sera, pump + impeller upgrade, interested regardless of price 2. RetsamHsam, pump (impeller unspecified?), pending price 3. gap, pump+impeller upgrade, pending price 4. Brendo - pump & impeller, pending price 5. Sijani, pump pending price, impeller pending price 6 Doogiechap impeller upgrade...
  8. 3GumsBrewing

    Keg Swap Help!

    Forgot to mention it is a standard corny keg. :icon_cheers: Cheers DK
  9. 3GumsBrewing

    Keg Swap Help!

    Hi Gang, I have brewed on order from a relo a simple Weizen of 50% pils, 50% wheat, 50gm saaz @ 60min with WLP568 Belgian Style Saison Ale Yeast Blend. This relo now does not want the beer. Now here is the rub, I don't particularly like wheat beers, I tasted this beer tonight, it is a good...
  10. 3GumsBrewing

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Doing my bit for the economy (and Platinum Liquors balance sheet!). BTW, what a bloody fantastic range of beers they have, beats the **** out of St Dans. Enjoyed the La Fin Du Monde, spicy, clovey. Then i read it was a Canadian beer! Well done those Kanuks. Drinking the Westmalle Dubbel now...
  11. 3GumsBrewing

    Swmbo <> Beer

    Bah, after looking at bloody SQL code all day i see SWMBO <> Beer and it is woeful I know exactly what that means! My SWMBO does not touch a drop of beer, I think if i started kegging vodka and <insert fruit flavoring here> i would be in trouble though! :P
  12. 3GumsBrewing

    Wlp568 Belgian Style Saison Ale Yeast Blend

    Thanks for that, i will read through that one today at work!! :ph34r: DK
  13. 3GumsBrewing

    Wlp568 Belgian Style Saison Ale Yeast Blend

    Hi All, Was browsing through the ESB brewshop on Friday and came accross this vial of this - WLP568. It was about 8 months out of date so I took it off their hands for nix. It responded well to a two liter starter, lots of activity, so was pitched into a simple Weizen of 50% pils, 50% wheat...
  14. 3GumsBrewing

    February It Is

    Well done to everyone. Was wondering if anyone was going to back up for "Dry July" :lol: I might give it a crack, every other month has birthday parties and weddings in it! DK
  15. 3GumsBrewing

    Aluminium Beer Bottles - Soon To Reach Our Shores

    OK, I will bite, how do you do this? Sounds bloody brilliant! I love my 3L Grolsch bottle but if i could use 2L Asahi cans i will be in heaven!
  16. 3GumsBrewing

    Kronenbourg 1664

    Found this for you - Linky . No idea if it is any good, let us know if you do make it! :D Cheers DK
  17. 3GumsBrewing

    The Vicelore Brewery

    Bumping this thread for the same reasons! ;) I am about to move into a house with a huge detached brewing shed (garage). I am going to need to increase beer production and came across this thread (which is perfect cause I cannot weld!) Anyone got any more plans like Goatherders ? Will need to...
  18. 3GumsBrewing

    Ahb Polos- Place Your Orders Now!

    Just had to amend mine - Not quite as fat as i thought i was. Wonderwoman 1 XL AdamT 2 S Me 3 XL Fents 1 XL Kleiny 2 XL Chappo 4 XL Peteoz77 1 XXL Steve 1 XL BribieG 1 XL Cortez the Killer 1 L Thunderchild 1 XXL TheRook 1 M GrantW 1 L KHB 1 XL Beerdingo 1 L Vicelore 3 M Bradsbrew 1 XL...
  19. 3GumsBrewing

    Ahb Polos- Place Your Orders Now!

    1. Adamt 1*S 1*M Pick up 2. Kleiny 1*XL Standard Post 3. Fents 1*L Standard Post 4. Chappo 4*XL Registered Express 5. Peteoz77 1*2XL Standard Post 6. Steve 1*XL Standard Post 7. BribieG 1*XL Standard Post 8. Cortez The Killer 1*L Standard Post 9. Thunderchild 1*2XL Ross Post 10. Rook 1*M...
  20. 3GumsBrewing

    Grain Bulk Buy Sydney

    That makes two of us, I am going to ESB. :icon_cheers: I have revised the spreadsheet. Cheers DK