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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. fraser_john

    New Loctite 2046

    I never ended up using it, instead using food grade silicone (FDA approved, $9, via Wallington Rural) compared to $26+ for 12ml from
  2. fraser_john

    Portable Bar Build

  3. fraser_john

    Sound deadening/proofing a vehicle

    Very close, a bent, yes BENT, front diff
  4. fraser_john

    Portable Bar Build

    Cross referencing another post, the drip tray as fabricated by one of our members, FlyinHi and his BIL, see post
  5. fraser_john

    Long drip tray - anyone tried a shower drain

    Well, in the end one of the members stuck his hand up and said, nah, I can get my BIL to make something better than that quick as a flash.... Here she is, what a thing of beauty, all for the massive cost of zilch! Thanks FlyinHi. Shown with a full pint glass and a schooner, for size...
  6. fraser_john

    Heating elements - voltage control

    I use two of these one for Keg King pump control and another for kettle element control.
  7. fraser_john

    Sound deadening/proofing a vehicle

    I used stuff similar to this in my old landcruiser. Not exactly the same, but, whilst I had the engine bay cleared I stuck it all over the bay, reduced engine noise enormously, but, then the problem was noise through the transmission tunnel, so I added an extra $200 worth of deadening material...
  8. fraser_john

    Buffalow Sauce Needs a new name here is oz?

    We used to buy 1 gallon jugs of Franks when I lived in the USA, the way I was taught was 1 cup Franks, 1/2 cup vinegar and 1 cup melted butter. Freaking lovely. And NEVER crumb the wings! Best to do a double fry, the French have some special name for it, but first is a low temp fry 140c(?) to...
  9. fraser_john

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    Geelong Craft Brewers scored a bulk buy from the local Corio Maltings, doing this SMaSH IPA to test it out Mosaic SMaSH Recipe Specifics ---------------- Batch Size (L): 26.00 Wort Size (L): 26.00 Total Grain (kg): 7.50 Anticipated OG: 1.066 Plato...
  10. fraser_john

    Heating elements - do they NEED to be fully immersed while running?

    Just to show what I am on about, this is the five star 2400w job, you can see the unheated part as it has not changed colour Brewing right now, so convenient post :P
  11. fraser_john

    Heating elements - do they NEED to be fully immersed while running?

    The elements commonly bought often have 3cm or so that do not heat, so you might be ok.... but you would have to monitor it because if it does not cover it, it will over heat.
  12. fraser_john

    Ball valves leaking under suction?

    I'll post info once I figure the details
  13. fraser_john

    Ball valves leaking under suction?

    I had started to wonder about this last night, when you pull them apart there is a hard plastic o-ring, might measure that up and order silicone ones from, there is also a hard plastic seal where the tap shank goes through the body, could be there as well, another o-ring...
  14. fraser_john

    Ball valves leaking under suction?

    Nah, cannot be that, once I opened the valve up, sure enough a bunch of bubbles came flowing out, so definitely caused by a leak.
  15. fraser_john

    Ball valves leaking under suction?

    For GABF I had an interesting bit of feedback that made me watch my hot side very closely last time I brewed. The comment was always around "oxidation". Now, oxidation without acetaldehyde means it has to be hot side aeration. Don't start on about it does not matter for home brewers, because...
  16. fraser_john

    Torquay water

    OK, this from the brewer that lives down there.... I have given up on Torquay water and use rain water The worst thing about Torquay water is the fact that it is different every time you use it. If you follow a water report you are only fooling your self. I hope the following helps Carbon...
  17. fraser_john

    Torquay water

    Hi Josh, we have a couple of members that live down that way, but, I am not sure about the water as one of them just uses rainwater as a base. I'll ask one of our other members to see what he knows. John
  18. fraser_john

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Man, this is such a good concept!
  19. fraser_john

    Carbonation Cap

    Reviving a necro thread as it is in the right area (Gear and Equipment) but it pertains to this style cap. Anyway, found that a small silicone bung fits over the silicone hose & barb fitting and then can perfectly be used to transfer beer into a tidy swing top bottle, actually works better than...
  20. fraser_john

    9 gallon XXXX cask. My Precioussssssssssss

    Dammit Bribie, I have coffee on my shirt now after shooting it through my nose!