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  1. fraser_john

    Need help fixing my font

    Similar problem with our portable bar, one suggestion was to buy a 27mm spanner and cut a notch in it and then cut off the round bit and weld it to a long steel bar , pass the notch over the barb and tighten by turning the tap. Not ideal!
  2. fraser_john

    windows 10 upgrade

    I love the transition I made to Ubuntu, even when I change hardware, I pull my SSD out with the OS, plug it into the new hardware box and off it goes, might have some custom drivers to install, but otherwise good to go. Try do that with Windoze....... BSD BSD BSD
  3. fraser_john

    Stalled ferment... my fix

    I've thought about double dropping my English ales......
  4. fraser_john

    Food Gardening

    I have actually found a solution to this that works for me at least. After a meal of extra spicey food, a big dose of metamucil. For some odd reason it seems to reduce the after burn ---- flame on.
  5. fraser_john

    Food Gardening

    My jalepenos are particularly hot this year..... but man are they good cut in half, stuffed with cream cheese, wrapped in streaky bacon and baked for half an hour....... Pain is good....
  6. fraser_john


    Hmmm, for lagers this would be cracker if you could tie it to the brewpi, ferment at 12c till 75% fermentables consumed, then raise to diacetyl rest temp for 24 hours, then drop by 1c/hour till 8c reached yada yada. Great concept.
  7. fraser_john

    A boring beer for mates who like xxxx

    Yeah I know, but beersmith should be able to convert at least to extract based
  8. fraser_john

    A boring beer for mates who like xxxx

    Aussie XXXX Lager A ProMash Recipe Report Recipe Specifics ---------------- Batch Size (L): 22.00 Wort Size (L): 22.00 Total Grain (kg): 5.20 Anticipated OG: 1.054 Plato: 13.40 Anticipated SRM: 3.7 Anticipated IBU: 26.0...
  9. fraser_john

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    Basic American Pale Ale A ProMash Brewing Session Report -------------------------------- Brewing Date: Friday April 01, 2016 Head Brewer: John M Fraser Asst Brewer: Recipe: APA #1 Recipe Specifics ---------------- Batch Size (L): 26.00 Wort Size (L): 26.00 Total...
  10. fraser_john

    Using old Yeast as Nutrient

    I read somewhere that a boil of several hours will split the dead yeast open making their innards available, chill and settle and keep the liquid. I'll try find link.
  11. fraser_john

    What are you listening to

    Audioslave on Pandora. I have to admit to a bit of a man crush with Chris Cornell at the moment, his voice is unique in my lifetime.
  12. fraser_john

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    Decided to start brewing some mid strengths after having a JS Constable on draught, it was lovely, so starting with this hack of Smurtos Light Amber. 03-26-2016 Light Amber Recipe Specifics ---------------- Batch Size (L): 23.00 Wort Size (L): 23.00 Total Grain (Kg)...
  13. fraser_john

    15kg CO2 bottle

    Been around Geelong since 1984 and never heard of Postmix Pete, but that probably means squat! Good score if it is 15kg full, should last you ages.
  14. fraser_john

    Wheat beer (hefeweizen) tastes a bit thin?

    +1 My mash regime for weizen is 61 to 63 over 40 minutes, 20 minutes at 70c followed by mashout. When I want extra phenols, I do single or double decoction, for some reason, in my system/process it really bumps up the perception of phenols, this is not something I typically do. Weizen is meant...
  15. fraser_john

    My reverse offset smoker build

    Create a new thread for the new build..... that way I won't have to dig through posts to avoid mistakes ......
  16. fraser_john

    S-189 Pitching Rate

    I pitch my dry lager yeast at the same temp as the wort, after chilling that is about 20c. Then drop the temp by 2c/hr until it hits 12c. The warmer wort helps the yeast get started. But, yeah, I use brewers friend calculator over Mr Malty and then use the cell density right off the Fermentis...
  17. fraser_john


    Pretty sure I have some used continental industries 40A or 10A with heatsinks at home that I was trying to sell, see I have used these without fault for 16 years.
  18. fraser_john


    I am on my second Territory, great vehicle. Had the six petrol AWD, now the TDci seven seater, we always have the third row folded away.
  19. fraser_john

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    Six kilograms of honey, $30, local amateur bee keeper has way too much honey, taking advantage while I can to make a 15 litre batch! Should give me enough to lay bottles down to age nicely.
  20. fraser_john

    Mini Keg Growler EOI

    Prices (as given by supplier) "A" - 64oz (2L) mini keg with any head unit and a premium mini reg $130 "B" -1 Gal (4L) mini keg with any head unit and a premium mini reg $140 "C" - 5L with any head unit and a premium mini reg $151.50 Extra 64 oz (2L) keg $33 Extra 1gal (4L) Keg $43 Extra...