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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. fraser_john

    Refractometer correction charts you can actually read?

    G'day Bribie, what about pulling down the excel spreadsheet and just cloning out the formula to build your own chart? More work I know, but you could scale it how you want? Cheers
  2. fraser_john

    June meeting - AGM

    This months meeting, on Friday 24th June is hosted by the President at: Warralily Lounge 844 Barwon Heads Rd Armstrong Creek Meeting will start at usual 7:30pm time. This is our AGM, it is important that all members attend the meeting to ensure you get your say! Non members are also more...
  3. fraser_john

    Gladfield App

    Totally Off Topic - in my younger days I used to love going out in Melbourne for a frothy, nothing better. At GABS the other week for the SMaSH challenge and sitting around having a pint afterwards at Fed Square, looking at all the immaculately groomed beards, with product in them, top knots and...
  4. fraser_john

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    Bottling this bad boy today, 20 litres @13.8% Unlike the recipe recommendations, I added nutrients, added oxygen, used Ruby Red Grapefruit instead of oranges and Red Muscatel Raisins. The result is a citrusy, dry mead, pretty happy with it. Added sulphites to 0.8 mg/L to ensure it lasts a long...
  5. fraser_john

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    06-04-2016 APA - split flame out additions Grain/Extract/Sugar % Amount Name Origin Potential SRM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92.3 6.00 kg. Pale Malt(2-row) Great Britain 1.038...
  6. fraser_john

    Wanted. Keg equipment for hire

    Geelong Craft Brewers have an 8 tap portable bar for hire, includes a small Co2 bottle and reg. It has corny keg fittings only, but I think the club would buy a sankey keg adapter if required. <edit add link>
  7. fraser_john

    May Meeting - Oatmeal Stout Comp

    Hello brewers, this months meeting will be this Friday night, please contact the secretary or visit the website for details. It is our Oatmeal Stout competition, aligned with the Westgate Brewers Stout Extravaganza competition, so bring your entry along and be ready to send one along to...
  8. fraser_john

    Has Caraaroma Changed? Attention suppliers.

    Good to know, I love the colour of the pint you posted, bewdiful red tinge!
  9. fraser_john

    Westgate Brewers Stout Extravaganza 2016

    Awesome, been waiting on this, only one entry though :(
  10. fraser_john

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    05-14-2016 German Lager Recipe Specifics ---------------- Batch Size (L): 27.00 Wort Size (L): 27.00 Total Grain (Kg): 5.70 Anticipated OG: 1.048 Plato: 11.96 Anticipated SRM: 3.6 Anticipated IBU: 20.3 Brewhouse Efficiency...
  11. fraser_john

    Little Creatures Hotchkiss 6

    I have several of these aging, looking forward to cracking the first maybe next year.
  12. fraser_john

    DIY Hop Back/Hop Rocket

    I built one of those when living in the USA worked a real treat. After moving here, I ditched it after finding the appalling lack of hops flowers we have access to. Yes, the availability is getting better as more local growers come up with varieties, but it is still terrible as anything from OS...
  13. fraser_john

    Lightning Broadband

    We moved to a new built house in an estate that got fibre to the house rolled out, I had a 100Mbps plan, unlimited data for $89/month through AusBBS. Fine for the first 9 months till they realised that on average I was using over 1TB of data on average LOL, my plan went to $149/mo after that...
  14. fraser_john

    Lightning Broadband

    Faaarrrrrrk $499? For real? JHC.
  15. fraser_john

    Rebuilding Kegs

    Can't help you specifically, but agree with orings, and, these types you can just replace with new silicone orings.
  16. fraser_john

    The dice have been rolled in the Senate

    What annoys me is that people don't think to vote independently, they tick the same damn boxes every time they go in, so yes, we get one group of tossers replaced by the tossers that were on the other side of the bench. If people thought before voting, we would see more independents that...
  17. fraser_john

    Next meeting?

    Yeah, we are having some issues with the site, malicious code has been injected, trying to clean it up now. But, contact "secretary at" and he should be able to let you know the next one.
  18. fraser_john

    Beer Stone Stain in SS Fermenter

    Yeah maybe, but it is just a stain, not a build up. Besides, fire cleanses all, I sanitize with pressurized steam........
  19. fraser_john

    Beer Stone Stain in SS Fermenter

    Here is a different way to deal with it.... just don't stress about it? I have had my conical for 16 years and yeah sure, there are a few stain rings around where various krausen have formed over the years, but, at the end of the day, scrub it, sanitize it and move on, a stain does not affect...
  20. fraser_john

    New $5 note design

    I can still buy a pack of US-05 with it, so to me, don't care.